Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
Explore Weekend

11 - 12 April 2025
(Fri - Sat)


El Shaddai Christian Church

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Deeper Intimacy with God

It is an amazing truth that God wants us to truly know Him – not just to know about Him. Many of us would say we long for a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God but we can struggle to know how to attain this.

This course explores the beauty and depth of God’s true character and nature, bringing understanding to the fulness of who He really is, the majestically awesome King and yet so very personal at the same time.

As we explore the truth of who He is, the teaching aims to expose any distorted views of God we may hold and how they can prevent us from experiencing the deep and intimate relationship our Heavenly Father yearns to have with each one of us.

Through coming to know more of God, the victory through Christ and the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, we can experience God in a new way: deeper, more personal, unshakable and eternal.

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This event is held at El Shaddai Christian Church but is run by Ellel Cape Town Getting There Booking Options
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