Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11


A Restoration Week is an opportunity to identify areas of wounding, understand the causes of damage, gain insight into our subconscious responses to what happened, and how the enemy uses these responses to keep the brokenness and unhealthy cycles repeating themselves in our lives. God's heart for each is to take us on a journey where He restores us to Himself so that we may be restored! He wants to renew your days to that which He intended for you, Lam 5:21

“God met me here; the teaching gave me practical ways to process my pain. I felt refreshed, no longer fatigued and able to face the future with God.”

Six days away to be with the Lord, with some teaching, a lot of practical application, mentoring discussions, creativity, family, fun, and ministry.

“I have walked with a broken heart and a crushed spirit all my life. Each day here, God revealed more of His truth of how much He loved me. He delivered me from control, blaming, rejection and betrayal. I experienced His freedom like never before.”