Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
I was there for a faceoff with say to Him that I have tried but You were silent. Now I will die and it will be Your fault God. You ignored my cries....but God showed up and saved my life..... Read More...

12-Day Exploring Deeper Healing and Equipping Course
20-31 August 2024

 God’s heart for His people is for us to live in the fullness of who God made us to be. This is an essential part of why Jesus came. The 12-day focus on deeper equipping will help us deal with aspects of our lives that need restoration. The course contains teaching, mentoring, family, fun, practical application, and ministry time. This is an ideal opportunity to come away with the Lord, learn and lean on Him for His help and restoration.

Topics covered in the course:

  Knowing and finding our unique place in God’s family

  Understanding and dealing with wrong beliefs, problematic and addictive behavioral cycles.

  Discover how the human spirit can be affected by issues of our past, which still affect our lives today, and how God desires to restore our God-given identity, our creativity, and the place of connection with Himself.

  Exploring covenant, agreements with the enemy, principles of discernment, and the freedom God has for us.

  Understanding how to apply godly principles in dealing with challenging emotions like anger, grief, disappointment, and jealousy.

  Knowing our God-given sexuality and understanding and applying God’s order and rightful expression thereof.

  Insight into and dealing with the effects of shock and trauma in our lives.

  Exploring and knowing who I am, my unique identity, and freedom to be who God made me to be.

Encouragement enables us to look up instead of down and gives us the determination to keep going whatever our circumstances. These devotionals, built around key verses in the Psalms, reflect on how God encouraged David and provide daily encouragement...
In Book 7 we see how all the teaching of Books 1-6 together help us focus on how God wants heal each one of us on our Journey to Freedom. In a very practical way we look at the main areas of life where people most need healing and see how, through healing,...
All the Gospels culminate in the amazing accounts of Jesus’s death and resurrection. We look stage by stage at all that Jesus did for us on the cross and examine just what His sacrifice means for us today. The Great Commission, the life of the early...
The last book in the series concentrates on how to live in God’s vision for our lives and how to persevere in running the marathon race that life is for each one of us. We then look at the final stages of life and the challenge of finishing our race...
This book explains God’s response to man’s sin...
Where do we go for help, when we need God’s wisdom? Our primary source of wisdom must be the Word of God. And within the Bible, the book which encapsulates a wealth of pithy wisdom is the book of Proverbs. This devotional volume provides a rich source...
Good foundations are critical for both buildings and our Christian lives. Many Christians have spent little time ensuring that their lives are truly built on the rock of truth. So, this first volume in the series establishes a solid foundation on which...
The heart of Book 4 is, simply, Jesus. We look at the prophecies about the coming Messiah, Jesus’s early life, His temptations, the beginnings of His ministry and the call and commissioning of His disciples. Then we learn deep lessons from the final...
Book 5 focuses on all the different healings that Jesus carried out and on the different healing principles we can learn from the things that Jesus said and did when healing and delivering people. We see how Jesus seamlessly blended inner healing, physical...
It is vital that we know God as He really is, know ourselves as we really are and understand the strategies of the enemy to undermine the faith of believers. Ground-breaking teaching that equips the saints to live the Christian life in relationship with...