Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
TESTIMONIESfor Seeds of the Kingdom
The Seeds of the Kingdom have been a blessing! I make sure I read them first thing in the morning as they help me through the day and keep me closer to my Lord. .... Read More...
Video Blogs

Video Blogs

This page contains special video blog messages from Ellel Ministries.


10-Minute Bible Thoughts

with David Cross (Regional Director of Western Europe)

Broken Inside


Rights or Righteousness


Destiny Despite Abuse


Anxiety Versus Trust


The Problem of Unreality


Control Versus Godly Authority


Men and Women of a Different Spirit


Covenant, Covering and Cleansing


The Importance of Godly Fathering


Holistic Therapies - Are they Safe?


God's New Way of Justice


Inner Healing - Where's the Damage


Spiritual Pollution of Land


Dealing with Spiritual Inheritance


Understanding Authority and Power


Jesus Touches the Most Rejected


Don't Give the Enemy the Upper Hand


The Doorway to Healing


Wrongly Bound to Other People


The Importance of Godly Covering


The Meaning of Life


A New Identity in God's Family


Receiving God's Forgiveness


God Can Untie Us From The Past


God's View on Fear