Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
Livestream Archive

Livestream Events Archive

Below is an archive of livestream events so that if you weren't able to join us live, you can still enjoy what was shared.


Livestream Event with Peter Horrobin - 19th January 2021

Keys to Healing - Part 6 - Healing, God's Good News


Special Christmas Livestream Event with Peter & Fiona Horrobin - 15th December 2020


Livestream Event with Peter Horrobin - 8th December 2020

Keys to Healing - Part 5 - Accepting 'Me' and 'Others'


Livestream Event with Peter Horrobin - 1st December 2020

Keys to Healing - Part 4 - Accepting the Truth


Livestream Event with Peter Horrobin - 24th November 2020

Keys to Healing - Part 3 - Forgiveness 2


Livestream Event with Peter Horrobin - 17th November 2020

Keys to Healing - Part 2 - Forgiveness


Livestream Event with Peter Horrobin - 10th November 2020

Keys to Healing - Part 1 - Seek First the Kingdom of God


Livestream Event with Peter Horrobin - 27th October 2020

Jesus, Healing and the Second Coming - Part 4 of 4


Livestream Event with Peter Horrobin - 20th October 2020

Jesus, Healing and the Second Coming - Part 3 of 4


Livestream Event with Peter Horrobin - 13th October 2020

Jesus, Healing and the Second Coming - Part 2 of 4


Livestream Event with Peter Horrobin - 6th October 2020

Jesus, Healing and the Second Coming - Part 1 of 4


Livestream Event with Peter Horrobin - 7th July 2020

Living in the Kingdom - Part 5


Livestream Event with Peter Horrobin - 30th June 2020

Living in the Kingdom - Part 4


Livestream Event with Peter Horrobin - 23rd June 2020

Living in the Kingdom - Part 3


Livestream Event with Peter Horrobin - 16th June 2020

Living in the Kingdom - Part 2


Living in the Kingdom - Part 1


Livestream Event with Peter Horrobin - 2nd June 2020

Serving the Lord - The final part of a 4-part series on Hearing, Trusting, Waiting, Serving


Livestream Event with Peter Horrobin - 26th May 2020

Waiting for the Lord - The third in a 4-part series on Hearing, Trusting, Waiting, Serving


Livestream Event with Peter Horrobin - 19th May 2020

Trusting the Lord - The second in a 4-part series on Hearing, Trusting, Waiting, Serving


Livestream Event with Peter Horrobin - 12th May 2020

Hearing the Lord - The first in a 4-part series on Hearing, Trusting, Waiting, Serving


Livestream Event with Peter Horrobin - 5th May 2020

JOY - The third in a 3-part series on Hope, Peace and Joy


Livestream Event with Peter Horrobin - 28th April 2020

PEACE - The second in a 3-part series on Hope, Peace and Joy


Livestream Event with Peter Horrobin - 21st April 2020

HOPE - The first in a 3-part series on Hope, Peace and Joy


Livestream Event with Peter Horrobin - 14th April 2020

Please note that the first few seconds of this livestream event were not captured on the video.


Livestream Event with Peter Horrobin - 6th April 2020