Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11

Local Leaders

Ellel Africa Head Office:

Regional Directors: Herman Redelinghuys

Ellel Shere House, Plot 32.1, James Road, Shere Agricultural Holdings,
Pretoria, 0081, South Africa.
Phone: +27 12 809 0031  |  Fax: +27 12 809 1173  |  Email Address:


Ellel Shere House (Pretoria) Thumbnail

Ellel Shere House (Pretoria), Pretoria

Director: Herman Redelinghuys

Ellel Africa is based at Shere House in Pretoria, South Africa. We hold a variety of events, both at the centre and at churches around South Africa. We are also the base for mission visits to other parts of Africa.

Ellel Shere House (Pretoria) Home PageView Map

Ellel KwaZulu-Natal Thumbnail

Ellel KwaZulu-Natal, Near Durban

Director: Ken Rowat
Deputy Director: Joy Rowat

Ellel KwaZulu-Natal was established in 2012 and is based near Durban, South Africa. We run training courses and healing services in the area.

Ellel KwaZulu-Natal Home PageView Map

Ellel Rwanda Thumbnail

Ellel Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanda

Director: Lambert Bariho
Deputy Director: Catherine Bariho

Ellel Ministries Rwanda was established in August 2013. This was after 6 years of annual conferences in different parts of Rwanda run by teams mainly from Ellel Ministries South Africa. Ellel Rwanda is now established in Kigali and runs various courses and ministry events.

Ellel Rwanda Home PageView Map

Ellel Kenya Thumbnail

Ellel Kenya, Nairobi

Director: Galvan Kinyua
Deputy Director: Esther Kinyua

Ellel Kenya Home PageView Map

Ellel Cape Town, ZA

Director: Peter Geertsma

Ellel Cape Town Home PageView Map