Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11

Free Events

Free Events

If you have never been to an Ellel Ministries event before and would like to find out more, or you would like to introduce your family, friends or church members, we would love to welcome you to any of our free events.

  • Free Teaching Days

    Free teaching days and free taster events are regularly held at our centres. Just use the Search feature at the left of the Full Directory or Calendar of Events for short courses, to see what is on near you.  

  • Healing Services

    Healing Services are held at most Ellel centres once a month and are open to all. There is no need to book in advance and no attendance charge is made, though normally an offering will be taken. These events are usually held on a Monday or Tuesday night and begin at 7.30pm. Some foundational teaching is given first and then the Ellel prayer ministry team spends time praying with those who would like to receive personal prayer.

    Click here or contact your nearest centre for dates.

  • Healing Retreats

    Many people have attended an Ellel Ministries Healing Retreat and have testified to the wonderful things God has done in their lives.

    The aim of a Healing Retreat is to offer you a period of time set apart to meet with God, to take a step forward in your Christian walk and to reach out to Him for healing. They are usually held over a three day period (although it can vary from one to three days, depending on the centre). Healing Retreats provide a special opportunity to receive teaching which covers key biblical principles related to receiving healing for spirit, soul and body and to receive confidential personal prayer ministry.

    Healing Retreats are offered free of charge to those who attend, so donations to cover costs are much appreciated. Healing Retreats are available at all Ellel centres. There are times for worship, teaching, prayer ministry and personal reflection.

    Click here to find out more about Healing Retreats and how to apply.

  • Free Events for Leaders

    A key part of the vision for Ellel Ministries is to be a resource to the local church. We would love to welcome you to an introductory free event for church leaders and their spouses. Enjoy a few days of time with God, relevant teaching, workshops, fellowship and the opportunity for confidential personal ministry, if desired. Click here for further details.