The Truth about Relationships
Do you want to experience real joy and blessing from your relationships?
God created us to relate with others - our neighbours, work-mates, fellow Christians, marriage partner and members of our families - but these relationships are often flawed and can become a source of pain and misery.
This much needed course will help you understand the difficuulties and gives practical advice to help improve your relationships and even begin to restore those that seem beyond repair.
This is the right course to choose if you are seeking help for yourself as well as being valuable in equipping anyone who wants to bring healing to others. The important keys shared here will enrich you and enhance the enjoyment of your relationships with God and with others, as you apply the teaching.
Right relationships both with God and other people are central to the whole of life.
Features of relationships
Looks at the different types of relationships that we all enter into and explores the level of involvement and commitment that we need to contribute to make them work.
Establishing boundaries
Unless boundaries are understood and established, we will have wrong expectations, leading to disappointment, lack of respect, misunderstandings and conflict.
How relationships are damaged and broken
Understanding the issues which damage the trust element within relationships and which result in deep hurt and pain.
Restoring broken relationships
Explores practical steps to reconciliation and restoration, where this is appropriate, in order to bring healing into broken relationships.
During the ministry evening, there will be an opportunity to respond to the teaching and to receive prayer.