Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11

Healing for Abused People


This course is designed to train and equip those caring for and ministering healing to people who have been abused. It will benefit and help anyone involved in counselling or church prayer ministry teams. The course will help those who have been abused to understand some of the consequences of their abuse. This can be a vital key to moving into healing and freedom. Whilst in-depth counselling and ministry is not offered on this course, there will, nonetheless, be an opportunity to respond to the teaching, receive prayer and begin a journey to wholeness. The material taught on this course is the fruit of many years experience of counselling hurting and broken people, many of whom have been abused in various ways. Topics covered include:

Physical Abuse
Roots of violent behaviour are examined, helping people to understand how the emotional scarring from physical abuse can dominate a person's life even, in some cases, leading them to becoming an abuser themselves.

Verbal Abuse
Words spoken to individuals are powerful. Explains how words of accusation, criticism, condemnation or words spoken in anger can become a curse on our lives.

Sexual Abuse
Introduces the whole subject of sexual abuse, outlining the various forms it can take and some of its consequences.

Emotional Abuse
What it means to be emotionally abused and the harm that is done through negative emotional experiences.

Spiritual Abuse
Explains the difference between godly leadership and spiritual abuse and also considers how those in spiritual authority can be abused by those under their care. Common consequences of abuse include confusion, guilt and self-rejection. Important steps and key principles that will bring hope and healing to those who have suffered the consequences of abuse will be presented. During the ministry night there will be an opportunity to respond to the teaching and receive prayer.

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