Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
Explore Weekend

25 - 26 July 2025
(Fri - Sat)


Ellel Shere House (Pretoria)

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Healing from Inner Hurt and Pain

Inner hurts and pain are a reality we all face and can be ignored, suppressed or even denied. Yet the legacy of the issues can linger and negatively outwork in every area of our life.

Understanding how our inner being functions and can be damaged is a key to opening new doors for God’s healing work in our lives.

This course clearly outlines the fundamental understanding of who we are as people, what is really going in our inner being, and how past experiences have affected us and left us with struggles we can’t seem to break through.

It will help untangle the causes and effects of inner damage as well as how to apply God’s Truth and bring hope and healing to the hidden and hurting places within.

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