Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
I was there for a faceoff with say to Him that I have tried but You were silent. Now I will die and it will be Your fault God. You ignored my cries....but God showed up and saved my life..... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Wonderful, Amazing, Hope-inspiring Promises!

by Sue Dare

And those he predestined, he also called, those he called, he also justified; those he justified he also glorified.
Romans 8:30, NIV

Romans 8 is brimming over with hope-inspiring promises for the believer. Actually, if you take time to carefully meditate and assimilate into your life each promise, it will be mind blowing! Firstly, we’re no longer destined for condemnation because we’ve been justified by God, through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Justified is a legal term which, when simply translated, means that the demand for justice has been satisfied and there are no longer grounds to be condemned. That’s wonderful news! There’s now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1).

Secondly, we’ve received the Spirit of sonship, who testifies with our spirits that we’re God’s children. We’ve been adopted into His family, and have an inheritance awaiting us that’s far greater than that which our minds can presently conceive. You and I are heirs of God, and co-heirs of Christ. Take a moment to think about that fact. We’re not just justified, but also adopted into the family of almighty God. He’s reserved a place for each of us at His dinner table, and my heart bubbles over with joy when I visualise the feast set before us. There’s room for us at our heavenly Father’s table (Romans 8:15-17).

Thirdly, we have the promise that there’s a glory awaiting us that will cause the toils of this present life to seem like nothing in comparison. We can only begin to imagine how glorious that glory will be (Romans 8:18, & 30). Fourthly, we can know experientially, God working all things that happen in our lives into benefit and profit for us, because we love him and we’re called according to His purposes. Our God wastes nothing that we experience and He’s able to transform even the deepest sadness, disappointment, loss or struggle into good, if we trust Him to do so (Romans 8:28). He’s proved this over and over in my own life, and, no doubt, in many of your lives as well.

Lastly, and just as importantly, we can know that God is on our side and nothing can separate us from the love of Christ – absolutely nothing! This love causes us to be more than conquerors over trouble, hardship, persecution and even the gates of hell themselves. What amazing, wonderful, mind blowing promises to take into this day with you (Romans 8:31, 37, & 38).

Prayer: Father God, thank You for Your promises that inspire such hope and courage in me. Thank You that You’re a faithful God who keeps every one of His promises and I can stand confidently on this fact. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Sue Dare works with the the CEED team based at Ellel Hungary, having previously been part of the Ellel Grange team. Her desire is to see people healed, restored & discipled, so they can go on to fulfil their God given potential.


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