The Singing Father
by Richard Griffiths
As I walk over the hills near where I live, one of the greatest delights of spring and summer is to hear the curlew singing. Maybe you don’t know what it sounds like. It’s the most wonderful, bubbling song, clear as a flute and often combined with a rising ‘too-lee’. I first heard it when, as a child, I spent family holidays at a quiet Cornish estuary.
Rippling song, trickling over heather-mantled moor,
Spring’s melody breathes gently through the still, morning air.
Sheer delight, heart-lifting, as I walk the well-worn paths of Pennine fells.
Clarion-clear curlew call, lilting whistle, redolent of joy,
Singing, bringing memories of estuaries and lazy, sea-shore days.
Isn’t it amazing how God has given us such things to enjoy. And He enjoys them too. At the end of Job, He tells Job just how much He delights in His creation; and how ‘all the angels shouted for joy’ (Job 38:7) as the work was finished. It’s as if the whole universe was rocked by a thunderous, angelic ‘WOW!!’ As we respond to His creation with praise and thanks, we join the angels and the Father Himself in their delight.
Perhaps you don’t get much chance to visit the countryside. You live hemmed in by city buildings. Yet, even here there’s so much of God’s creation to enjoy. I may prefer not to have a spider in my bathroom but I’m amazed at the skill with which the little creature weaves his complex web. And weight for weight, spider silk is five times as strong as steel.
On that day, as I heard the curlew’s song over the Pennine fells, God reminded me of something else:
Deep from Your Father’s heart, my God,
Sings Your word to me;
Sweet as curlew call to my spirit,
Lifting my heart to Yours.
Today, as I read His word, I’m asking not just for revelation, or for teaching, or for direction. Yes, I want all those things, but today I want to hear Him singing. I might sing my love-song to Him; but what a joy to hear His to me! The Creator of the universe sings over me – WOW!
Prayer: Father, thank You for Your wonderful creation. Today I ask that You open my eyes to see Your glory reflected in what You have made. Help me to share Your joy in Your creation and, as I read and hear Your word, to hear You singing Your love-song to me, Your child. Amen.
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