Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
I was there for a faceoff with say to Him that I have tried but You were silent. Now I will die and it will be Your fault God. You ignored my cries....but God showed up and saved my life..... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

The Dawn Chorus

by Philip Asselin

The flowers are springing up, the season of singing birds has come, and the cooing of turtledoves fills the air.
Song of Songs 2:12, NIV

I think that at some point we have all heard the dawn chorus of birdsong. First one bird, then another, until all are singing away to their heart’s content. Each country has its own song, where the species of birds are different. We might think it is just the birds waking up, but there is actually something far deeper going on. I understand research has shown that the birds’ singing awakens the earth in an incredible way. Apparently, the dawn chorus sets in motion a series of vibrations which react upon other forms of life. Research ten years ago showed that where there was abundant bird life there was a significant increase in plant life. The birds don’t understand what they are doing, they just do it and are guided by God in doing so.

We are not just living beings. We are spiritual beings created in the image and likeness of God. God also sings over us, ‘The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing’ (Zephaniah 3:17). God’s desire is to call forth from us a desire deep within us to respond to Him, to love Him, serve Him and follow Him.

The bird song creates a chain reaction in the soil, producing an amazing affect on the nutrients, the plant leaves, soil and earthworms to generate amazing growth. The plants come alive to the sounds of the birds. Isn’t that what Holy Spirit wants to do within us? He wants to make us come alive to Him, to generate within us the desire to pray, praise Him and read His Word. Each morning, as we awake, God’s Spirit is singing over us to call us to come alive in Him. The more we respond, the more we grow in Him and the more we can affect, in a positive way, those around us.

Isn’t it an incredible thought that no matter how weak, sinful, old, unwell, or unworthy we might consider ourselves, God sings over us each morning and each moment of the day. He’s calling us to come alive in Him and to experience His love.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You that You are singing over me right now, calling me to come alive in You and to grow more like You. Awaken me out of any stupor or sluggishness I might be feeling and let me know in my spirit Your song of love and life that You are singing. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Philip Asselin Philip is on the associate ministry and teaching teams with Glyndley Manor. He and his wife Gillian attended the second Healing Retreat at Glyndley Manor in 1992, and were greatly helped. They have two grown up children, one grandson, and a step-granddaughter in California, and a daughter and granddaughter in Eastbourne. His desire is to see people healed and set free to serve God.


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