Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
I was there for a faceoff with say to Him that I have tried but You were silent. Now I will die and it will be Your fault God. You ignored my cries....but God showed up and saved my life..... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Memorial Stones

by Paul Watson

Joshua set up the twelve stones that had been in the middle of the Jordan, at the spot where the priests who had carried the ark of the covenant had stood. And they are there to this day.
Joshua 4:9, NIV

I have a small collection of stones which I have collected from various places around the world. You might think that is a rather strange hobby. I don’t see it that way. You see, each stone represents something special to me. There is a pebble from the beach in Vanuatu where de Quirios landed over 400 years ago and declared that he had discovered the ‘great southland of the Holy Spirit’. Another stone is from a walking path around a lake near the Ellel Ministries Centre at Pierrepont, in Surrey, UK. Here I had many very special walks whilst attending the NETS school.

There are several stones from our centre in Western Australia, the purchase of which was a large component in growing my ability to trust God. When I look at the stones, they remind me of the wonderful things God has done. I recall His character of grace and love and His ability to do the seemingly impossible. It helps me to keep on trusting Him even in the really tough and scary times. They are memorial stones.

My little quirky hobby has a biblical precedent. God told Joshua to have twelve men from the tribes of Israel take one stone each from the middle of the Jordan as they crossed, and to place them on the river’s edge in a pile. This would be a memorial of the miraculous event that would stand for years to come and would serve as a reminder of God’s faithfulness in keeping His covenant promises. The stones would ‘speak’ of what can be accomplished by those who trust in God.

Maybe you could take a few moments to ponder what ‘memorial stones’ you might have in your life – the things that remind you of what God has done for you, so that you can give Him thanks and praise. A memorial – something you can look back on in remembrance, and which will encourage you to look ahead, in faith.

Prayer: Dear Father, as I recall the many wonderful things You have done in my life, these memories serve as testimony of Your love for me and that You are faithful. Please help me to use these memorials as a stimulus to being able to trust You with the future. Amen.

Paul Watson At the end of 2020, Paul stepped down from his role as Centre Director of Ellel Pierrepont in the UK, and with his wife Diane, returned to live in Western Australia. They are enjoying having a break and spending time with their family. Paul and Diane are still on the Board of Ellel Ministries Australia.


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