Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
I was there for a faceoff with say to Him that I have tried but You were silent. Now I will die and it will be Your fault God. You ignored my cries....but God showed up and saved my life..... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Live for Today

by Philip Asselin

22 October 2018

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But God said to him, “Foolish man! Tonight your life will be taken from you. So who will get those things you have prepared for yourself?”
Luke 12:20, NCV

Recently I found out that, in some prisons around the world, death row inmates are never told when they will be put to death until just a few hours before the execution takes place. This is so they live each day as if it was their last.

This made me think of our verse for today. It’s in a parable Jesus told about a rich man who had so much grain that he began to debate what he needed to do with it all. The answer seemed so simple, build bigger barns to contain his ever-expanding wealth, and he would be able to sit back, rich and contented. Jesus called him ‘foolish’, as he wasn’t aware that his life would be taken from him that very night.

It seems to me that God wants us to live every day as if it were our last, as none of us will know when we’ll be called to give an account before Him. We could look upon this as a rather gloomy way to live, or, alternatively, as a wake-up call to make every day we have left here really count. Instead of putting things off until tomorrow, let’s see what we can do now that will make a difference in the lives of people we meet.

Today and every day, let’s make a point of telling those we love that we love them. And let’s not put off until tomorrow sharing Jesus with our neighbour, friend, work colleague, or family member. But what else could we do? Ask God what it is that He would have you do today, if today was all you had left. What is it that you’d feel unsatisfied that you hadn’t done? Some things might be the same for all of us, but others would be unique, for us alone.

Whatever those things might be, let’s live each day as if it was our last. Let’s live it to the full and thank God for it.

Prayer: Thank You, Father, for each day You give me here on earth. However young or old I am, or however young or old I feel, I want to live it so it’s pleasing to You. I don’t want to be called a fool by You for living it in a worthless way, because I was too busy looking ahead, that I lost track of the here and now. Guide me by Your Holy Spirit, as I seek Your will and guidance for each day You give me on earth. Amen.

Philip Asselin Philip is on the associate ministry and teaching teams with Glyndley Manor. He and his wife Gillian attended the second Healing Retreat at Glyndley Manor in 1992, and were greatly helped. They have two grown up children, one grandson, and a step-granddaughter in California, and a daughter and granddaughter in Eastbourne. His desire is to see people healed and set free to serve God.


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