Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11

Special Announcement about Ellel Ministries and Covid-19

4th June 2020

Dear Friends,

In these extraordinary times, people need more help than ever. We have prayerfully considered the best way in which we can welcome, teach, and heal those who are in need.

Ellel South Africa is excited to announce that the Explore Online Part A and B will be now available to all who previously found it impossible to attend. They can now start to ‘explore online’ in the safety of their home, provided they have the right device and internet connection.

Explore Online Part A launch 3-4 July 2020

Explore Online Part B launch 26-27 June 2020

You can now also find the whole range of life-changing Ellel books, materials, specials, and free resources on the new Ellel Books and Resources website. Download media resources immediately. Our books can now be shipped to any destination in South Africa.

We continue to make plans for the safe opening of the rest of the ministry in line with government regulations and with Ellel international guidelines. We will keep you posted and informed of all the new developments. 

Thank you for all your continuous support, prayer, and giving in this very difficult time. We are grateful to a faithful heavenly Father who continues to sustain not only this ministry but each of one of you.