Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11

Living in my God-given Identity

We are all born with the innate question in our hearts, “Who am I?”

Indeed, life can be seen as an exploration of searching for answers to this question, but we soon discover we are faced with conflicting answers. In our quest to fit in, be acceptable, valued and loved we can easily acquiesce to pressures, expectations and demands forcing us to suppress elements of our own unique personhood or even take on elements that are not really us but seem more acceptable.

God alone knows the full extent of your unique identity and He longs for you to walk freely in just being ‘you’. This course explores how things have gone awry, the power of self-rejection and how truth in the inner most places is the key to discarding your false identities and finding the real you.

From this place, you can then explore a fresh and confident relationship with God, with a new-found deep certainty of his love, forgiveness and acceptance.

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