Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11

Healing from Accidents and Traumas

It is a well-established medical fact that a sudden accident or trauma can leave a person with ongoing mental, emotional and physical issues, even years after the event. But the world’s solutions to these problems are limited. Medicine, mental resilience and emotional crutches can only support the wounded heart; God, the Creator of our hearts, can bring full and lasting healing to our whole personhood.

This course explores our inner response and the outworking of shock and trauma that can cause untold damage to a person, body, soul and spirit, defining what it really means to be broken inside and how healing on the inside can outwork in miraculous healing on the outside too.

Jesus promised to ‘bind up broken hearted ’ and we know from many years of seeing Him do so, that He can bring wonderful restoration and healing from ongoing issues of fear, anxiety, physical conditions and many other issues that hold you back from living in freedom.

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