Jim and Tanya Person

Directors of Central & Eastern Europe Development

Jim and Tanya are from Anchorage, Alaska and moved to Budapest, Hungary as missionaries with their four children in 2003. During that same year they were introduced to Ellel Ministries and felt led by God to become progressively more involved with the ministry.

They are now the directors of Ellel Ministries Central & Eastern Europe Development centre, where, together, they travel to the countries of the former Soviet Union and satellite nations teaching and ministering God's healing.


Jim is an ordained pastor and loves to build up and encourage the body of Christ internationally. He enjoys rock climbing, skiing, fishing, camping, and other outdoor activities.


Tanya has a desire to see people walking into the fullness of God's purposes for their lives. She has a real gifting for teaching and administration and when not working enjoys playing the flute, reading, and spending time on the computer.