Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
I was there for a faceoff with say to Him that I have tried but You were silent. Now I will die and it will be Your fault God. You ignored my cries....but God showed up and saved my life..... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

I Will Meet with You


23 February 2023

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Place the incense altar just outside the inner curtain that shields the Ark of The Covenant, in front of the Ark’s cover-the place of atonement- that covers the tablets inscribed with the terms of the covenant. I will meet with you there.
Exodus 30:6, NLT

I will meet with you there. What a wonderful picture of prayer. Incense has often been used as a picture of prayer. Think of the privilege given to Moses, a place he could go to meet with the creator of the universe. Moses, aside from the high priest, was the only person given the honour. Moses was called a friend of God and was said to talk with God as one would to a friend.

As New Covenant believers we have that same privilege to meet with God. When Jesus said, “It is finished.” the temple curtain was torn in two, eliminating the barrier of sin between God and man. The scripture also states that believers are the temple of the Holy Spirit. We can have a prayer closet or places where we go to get away from distractions and concentrate on God, but no matter where we go, we bring God with us.

We might feel guilty because we missed our morning devotions, as if God is only in that time or place and, if we miss it, we’re on our own. That is not true. The enemy may tell us that, because we neglected to pray in the morning, that we are alone, isolated, or far from God. But that’s a lie. God is as close as the air that we breathe. Any time, any place, we can cry out to God and He will hear us. That is His promise to us. So, as we go through our day, let’s remember that we carry God with us.

We can enjoy the sweet fellowship of God at work as well as in a worship service, driving in our car, or at the Lord’s table. God can and will speak to us in the midst of our busy day. We can speak to the creator God walking down the street, or a country path. God no longer confines Himself to a building, but lives in you, the believer. Enjoy the presence of God in you today, saint of God, any time you want or need.


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