Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
I was there for a faceoff with say to Him that I have tried but You were silent. Now I will die and it will be Your fault God. You ignored my cries....but God showed up and saved my life..... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Do Not Worry

by Catherine Baker

2 December 2015

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Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 6:34, NIV

In this chapter of Matthew, Jesus was talking about not serving two masters, for either we will hate the one and love the other, or we will stand by and be devoted to one, and despise and be against the other. We cannot serve God and mammon – mammon being deceitful riches, money, positions or whatever else is trusted in, other than God. Then He goes on to tell us not to worry.

Worry opens the door to many fears, and, before we realise it, we can have many thoughts of doom and gloom. Do any parents out there relate to worrying about their loved ones like me? We’re hoping they’ll choose well, so that they can walk in the blessings that Jesus died for.

There’s so much we can worry about, especially in these last days before Jesus returns. Therefore, as each day has enough trouble of its own, we need to be able to lay down all the worries that clamour for our attention.

Worry is the opposite of trust in God. It can become a stronghold in our minds, especially when we’re constantly being bombarded with all the negative possibilities of our situations from the world around us.

You may be blessed with good friends who are able to stand with you on your journey through worry. When you express your worries, they’re able to comfort you, as emotions surface. However, even good friends have limitations. Also they may not always be able to be there for you when you need them.

I’ve discovered that, when I worry, I lose a lot of my energy and enthusiasm for life, but, when I’m able to trust Jesus, He fills me with His Life.

God understood that worry would rob us of the peace that Jesus came to bring, therefore we need His help to stand against it. I love the hymn ‘What a Friend we have in Jesus’ with its reminder to ‘take it to the Lord in prayer’.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, forgive us if we’ve been serving the wrong master. Encourage us to come to You with all our worries each day. We ask You to expose the roots of our worrying and help us to break this stronghold in our lives. When the worries try and return to haunt us, will You be the one who opens the door with Your peace and assurance. Strengthen us with Your Holy Spirt to withstand the habits of worry, and help us to live a faith-filled life with You. In Jesus’ name Amen.

Catherine Baker Cathy started her journey with Ellel Ministries in 2009 She is married with two children and two grandchildren. She lives in the Netherlands and has a desire to see people’s hearts connected in relationship to Father God.


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