Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11

Seeds of the Kingdom

Are you a £5 note or a 20p?

by Jill Southern

The greatest among you will be your servant.
Matthew 23:11, NIV

One day, a few years ago, I was rushing along as usual in my Volvo, when the engine cut out and the car stopped. It was pouring with rain and I didn’t have a coat. I saw a red telephone box some way ahead. There was nothing for it but to grab my handbag, lock the car and run to the phone box.

By the time I arrived, I was absolutely soaked. I looked in my purse for a 20p to make a call and found, to my great dismay that I only had a £5 note.

What could I do now? As complete frustration overwhelmed me, the Lord spoke, “You have a £5 note and you need a 20p piece”. “Yes, Lord, I know that!” And the Lord said, “Sometimes, I need you to be a 20p piece because there are times when a £5 note is useless. Are you willing to be a 20p piece when I need you to be, or are you always wanting to be a £5 note?”

I wasn’t expecting the Lord to speak to me and I was profoundly affected. As I considered this challenge, I started to cry (as if I wasn’t wet enough already!) and said, “O Lord, I humble myself afresh before you and agree. I’m willing to be a 20p piece for You whenever You need me to be one.”

Through my tears, I looked down to get a tissue from my bag and my eyes caught sight of a 20p piece in the returned coin slot. How remarkable of God! I was able to use it to make the call and get the help I needed.

I’ve never forgotten that moment. He’s the Master, I’m the servant. It’s so important that I’m willing to serve and learn to be servant-hearted as Jesus Himself was.

Prayer: Lord, teach me today to be wholly available to You, to serve in whatever way You choose. I’m willing to be a 20p piece whenever You need me to be one. Help me to learn to be servant hearted. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Jill Southern is the founder of Ellel Ministries Pierrepont and directed the work for 21 years. She has recently stood down from that role but still teaches on the NETS programme and has the passion to train and equip God`s people to fully walk in their destiny and calling. She is the Regional Director for Ellel Ministries International in South East Asia and China and is also on the Executive Leadership of the ministry.


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