Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11


J Lee Grady

The Mordecai Project

Writing about Ellel 365, our online discipleship programme:

"One of the key reasons the Western church is struggling today is a lack of strong, balanced teaching from the Word of God. The Word is our life - and yet so many Christians are trying to survive on a diet of weak sermons, popular psychology and emotional experiences. The church is starving for teaching that connects us to Christ and builds our foundation in Him.

"That is why I am so thrilled that Ellel Ministries is now offering the 365 plan. It is a marvelous discipleship tool that can inspire you in your walk with God and help you overcome every personal struggle.

"I personally know Ellel's founder, Peter Horrobin, and I commend him as a man of God who is a true teacher of the Word. He assembled these daily teachings to help the global body of Christ grow in maturity. I hope you can make Ellel 365 a part of your daily devotions. Each article is strong meat that boosts your spiritual diet."

Find out more about Ellel 365