Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11


George Verwer

Operation Mobilisation (OM)

Speaking on NETS, our full time training programme based in England:

"What a privilege to have been here this morning ministering at this NETS school, part of Ellel Pierrepont.

"I've been involved in missions now for pretty well 55 years. 150,000 people have worked with Operation Mobilisation and I guessed we learned the hard way in those early days that a lot of people who want to go into missions are not ready. They have to somehow receive help, they need to receive often healing for deep hurts.

"I'm just convinced with all my heart that if we're going to reach the world with the gospel of Christ, we need schools, we need ministries like this, that are going to focus in on the Word of God, on the Lord, and on peoples' specific needs. So I thank the Lord for the privilege of being involved in a small way in this global ministry."