Lambert & Catherine BarihoDirectors of Ellel Rwanda
Directors of Ellel Rwanda
Lambert and Catherine are the directors of Ellel Ministries Rwanda.
Lambert was born and raised in Rwanda. After coming to the Lord in 1998 his passion has always been to help people and share the truth of the Word of God. In his pursuit of understanding human behavior and desire to help people, he studied Clinical Psychology at University of Rwanda but it left him with many unanswered questions. He started looking for answers in the Word of God and found it to be rewarding. He worked with the Student Ministry in Rwanda for 5 years where he taught and discipled Christian students in different campuses around Rwanda. In 2009, through an invitation of a friend, he attended 5 Day Conference of Ellel Ministries in Rwanda. God did a great work in His life that he wanted more. The following year he attended a 20 Day School where he served as a translator. It was at this school that he learnt about the NETS programme (1 Year training in England) and in October 2010 God opened a door for him to attend NETS. During this time, he saw a huge healing and transformation in his life and he wanted to take what he had learned back to his people in Rwanda. In 2012, he went to Shere House at Ellel Ministries South Africa to learn the practical side of the ministry. The same year he met Catherine in Kenya during a mission trip. In July 2013, he went back to Rwanda to establish Ellel Ministries Rwanda and since then, he has been serving in Rwanda with Catherine his wife alongside him. Together, God has been using them to reach the people of Rwanda and people from other nations who live in Rwanda.
Catherine was born and raised in the USA and came to know the Lord at an early age. After studying music at university and working full time in music ministry for several years, she felt drawn to Ellel Ministries’ 9 week Flagship School in the UK. From there she attended the complete NETS training programme with Ellel in 2012. Later she joined Lambert at Ellel Africa headquarters in South Africa, and after their marriage they began leading Ellel Ministries Rwanda in 2013.