Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11

Intimacy with Jesus

An unique opportunity to spend personal time waiting on God, learning to hear His voice and entering into His peace and rest.

We deeply desire to share this experience with everyone who longs for an intimate relationship with Jesus.  So many in the Body of Christ are tired, discouraged and even depressed.  How do we cope?  How do we move forward in victory? 

The purpose of this series is to help you to avoid fear, stress and anxiety and even burnout by learning the fundamental principles of biblical meditation and how to come to the place where you can hear the voice of God.

Sit at the Feet of Jesus and wait on Him.  We lack what Jesus called the one thing needed as He spoke to Martha, the sister of Mary in their home in Bethany.  We need to come like Mary and Sit at the Feet of Jesus. 




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