Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
Explore Weekend

26 - 27 July 2024
(Fri - Sat)


Ellel Ministries KwaZulu Natal

Call for help or info
+2784 569 4459

The Power of Forgiveness (Exp A3)

When Jesus spoke from the Cross, “Father forgive them”, He released to humankind an immensely powerful key for restoration from the bondage of pain from the past. For true freedom we need not only to receive God’s forgiveness for our own sinful actions, but we need to extend forgiveness to all those who have hurt us, however difficult this may be.

Unlocking this pivotal Kingdom principle, this course we will explore the damage caused when there is unforgiveness, judgement and bitterness in our hearts and how to face the many challenges of applying this key to the painful areas of our lives. Breaking the subject down into four main principles and looking at each one will highlight just how central a topic this is to our wellbeing, not just spiritually, but how it can also affect us emotionally and even physically.

Throughout the course there will be personal times with God for Him to bring conviction, healing and restoration from the damage that unforgiveness can inflict upon you, unlocking a pathway to true and sustained healing.


For your benefit, Explore is presented in a hybrid format. This means that all guests attend online on Friday evenings, the rest of the course is presented at Oceanview on Saturday. If you cannot join the program at Winklespruit you can join online and experience Explore from wherever you are. All the sessions build on one another, and attendance of each, consecutive course is recommended.

Course Times:

Friday evening 18:30 – 21:00

Saturday please arrive by 08:40 to register and settle in

If online you will be required to join again from around 08:45 till the end of the courses at 17:30.

To book for a course, contact or call 084 569 4459.

After payment is received, details regarding the Zoom Login and Course Note for the event will be sent to you in an email.


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