Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
God healed the brokenness I had been carrying, broke the lies of shame, delivered me from fear and allowed me the freedom to express myself, knowing that I am safe in Him and He wont abandon me. .... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

The Value of a Name

by Minette Koekemoer

20 December 2018

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His Lord said to him: “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!”
Matthew 25:21, NKJV

We often think about stewardship in the context of money, but in God’s Kingdom we’re called to take care of all the Lord holds dear. I was reminded of this by a homeless man named Kyle. The day I met him it was clear that Kyle’s hunger for conversation was more pressing than his hunger for food. I felt a deep call to pray for Kyle, but as time passed so did the memory of his name.

Months later, I unexpectedly saw him and spontaneously called out: “Kyle!” I’m not sure who was more surprised. With eyes cast to the ground to hide his tears, he shared that he didn’t think anyone knew his name. He’d been ‘invisible’ for so long. I admitted that I hadn’t remembered, but that someone who knows him very well reminded me of his name. That day our heavenly Father reassured Kyle of His love for him.

I never saw Kyle again, but his name reminds me that being good stewards is an important part of who we are as children of God. Just as Adam walked and talked with God in the garden, we learn godly stewardship in a place of close relationship with the Lord. It’s here that we learn to value the same things the Lord values and to develop a more faithful, trustworthy and generous character.

It helps keep our heart-attitudes in check. When we have pride or a strong sense of self-sufficiency, it can be difficult to acknowledge God as our provider. A thankful heart, however, recognises God’s faithfulness and goodness and finds it easy to freely and joyfully give to others. Becoming godly stewards also helps us to grow in our faith, deepen our trust in the Lord and to walk in obedience more and more.

In today’s scripture, we see God express His heart to bless and reward us when we steward things well. What a wonderful invitation awaits us to share in His joy! In Ephesians 2:10 we see that we are ‘His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them’.

Whether it’s remembering someone’s name or speaking life-giving words to a colleague, God has important things for each of us to steward today. What has the Lord entrusted to you for today?

Prayer: Father God, thank You that all we are and all we have is from You. We want to be good and faithful stewards. Please show us Your perfect stewardship plan for each area of our lives and help us to take care of it for Your glory today. Amen.

Minette Koekemoer Minette has a passion to see people restored in their identity in Christ so that they can fulfil their God-given potential. After completing NETS, she served on the ministry team at Pierrepont and is currently on team at Ellel Grange.


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