Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
TESTIMONIESfor Seeds of the Kingdom
Did you guys have a video camera on me yesterday and into today? How did you know that this is exactly, precisely and too amazingly accurate for my life today?.... Read More...
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Seeds of the Kingdom - Devotional Archive

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19 December 2024

Seen and Heard

by Dean Gardner

In my teenage years I wrestled with the same searching questions that multitudes had asked before me – ‘Who am I?’ and ‘What is the meaning of my life?’ Along with deep inner confusion over my identity, I was troubled by the thought that if I died the world would go on as if I had never lived....

18 December 2024


by John Sainsbury

Looking at the above verses from Luke’s gospel, what Luke records as one parable turns out to be three. All of them relate to the joy and celebration of finding or retrieving something that was lost. But why tell three stories that essentially cover the same idea? Why didn’t Jesus simply tell one?...

17 December 2024


by Jim Person

When Tanya and I were new to the mission field, we both taught at a discipleship training school. After Tanya finished her teaching, I tried to one-up her and ‘wow’ the students with my brilliant teaching ability. Needless to say, I flopped. It was really bad. Afterwards when we were alone, she asked...

16 December 2024

Yes Please

by Tracy Bankuti

There is a type of heart disease not found in any medical books that is alive and well in the world today. It’s called ‘people pleasing’! This disease of the heart can occur when years of rejection and abandonment, lack of nurture, and neglect wear down our spiritual heart. We are left vulnerable...

15 December 2024

God of Surprises!

by Patricia Lake

For the disciples this was a ‘suddenly’ moment. They had heard Him teach the crowds with great authority and seen Him heal many sick people – but this was different! Suddenly there was a storm, and when they awoke Him - suddenly He did the unthinkable! The realisation that Jesus was no ordinary...

14 December 2024

Lift Up Your Head

by Ron Scurfield

How is our walk with God? Is it burdensome, as if we’re carrying a heavy load, or is light and effortless as our eyes are fixed firmly on all that lies ahead? If we’re bowed down under a heavy weight, we can’t see the way forward. All we see is our feet, plodding on, one after the other. Sometimes...

13 December 2024

King of Kings

by Richard Griffiths

As I write this, Syria is going through a crisis. Bashar al-Assad, their brutal dictator, has been driven out and the nation is in turmoil, with potentially global repercussions. For those living there, these are tumultuous and, in many ways, frightening times. What does the future hold? And there are...

12 December 2024

When Life Throws You Lemons

by Gilly Mathiesen

Do you ever have one of those days or weeks where it seems like one thing after the other goes wrong and your patience gets a good workout? Being overseas recently, I found myself in an unusual situation. My mobile had zero signal and, being somewhere without wifi, I was faced with the stark reality...

11 December 2024

The Potter

by Margaret Silvester

The potter is a wonderful biblical image of God. Job reminded God that His hands had shaped him, moulded him like clay, clothed him with skin and flesh, knit him together and given him life (Job 10:8-12). Obeying God’s command, Jeremiah went down to the potter’s house and watched the potter working...

10 December 2024

Do You Want to Get Well?

by Yulia Kariuki

Have you ever thought why would Jesus ask such a question? Couldn’t He see the condition of the man and know that he’d been here for quite a long time? We find the story in John 5, where Jesus came to Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate (Bethesda) and saw many people who were unwell. His eyes were caught...

Seeds of the Kingdom - Devotional Archive

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