Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
TESTIMONIESfor Seeds of the Kingdom
I read these Seeds of the Kingdom devotionals every day...I sit in tears now, after reading this. I could feel the kindness of God coming through.... Read More...
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Seeds of the Kingdom - Devotional Archive

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16 July 2024

I Surrender All

by Margaret Silvester

‘All to Jesus I surrender, all to Him I freely give; I will ever love and trust Him, in His presence daily live. I surrender all, I surrender all, all to Thee my blessed Master, I surrender all’. Many of us have heartily sung these word countless times, but living in their reality may be very different....

15 July 2024


by David Cross

Belonging is such a deep need of the human spirit. Whilst God wants us to be confident in our individual significance, He made us to need the security of being a part of an eternal family where we can be absolutely sure of unconditional acceptance. Whether we acknowledge it or not, our heart longs to...

14 July 2024

Ticket to Heaven?

by Ron Scurfield

How is our walk with God? Are we living continually in the hope that our lives are in tune with His will, confident and assured that our ultimate destination is God’s Kingdom? Is there peace in our heart, knowing that the blood of Jesus has cleansed us from all our sins, and we’re walking in a constant...

13 July 2024

Never Alone

by Patricia Lake

It’s something of wonder that the Almighty who threw the stars in space, and created the universe and everything in it, has promised always to be with us, and to never, never leave us. The Amplified version expresses it like this: “for He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor...

12 July 2024

Bamboo Faith

by Christel Baxter

I heard something very interesting about the bamboo plant. Bamboo can take up to six years to grow. Some kinds develop faster, but the Chinese Bamboo plant takes five years of fertilising, watering, sunshine and nurturing before it begins to grow, but once the Chinese Bamboo takes off it can grow twenty-four...

11 July 2024


by Roger Pook

How might you respond if someone asked about your faith and about why you are a Christian? Might you be tempted to launch into a full evangelical explanation - and then realise that they’d lost interest after the first few seconds? Or would you feel a bit uncertain and embarrassed, and wish that you...

10 July 2024


by Dean Gardner

On my fiftieth birthday, over seventeen years ago now, one of my sisters gave me a photo frame engraved with the words ‘50th Birthday’. In the frame was a photo taken when I was still less than two years old. In the photo I was sitting in a small white pedal car in our back garden. That car was almost...

9 July 2024

Stepping Out In Faith

by Philip Asselin

There was here a man who had been crippled from birth and was now over forty years old (Acts 4:22). In addition to whatever damage had occurred to him in his mother’s womb, or when he was born, his muscles and tendons would have atrophied. Even if the original cause of the problem were to be immediately...

8 July 2024

Only as Good as Your Last Performance

by Bernard Kariuki

Watching football during the Euros, it was so evident how the world defines us as only as good as our last performance.  With that, we have been forced to be on a wheel of performance, with the fear that if the wheel stops, we may become irrelevant, regardless of how good we’ve been. Our previous...

7 July 2024

God’s Heart in His Commandments

by Peter Brokaar

Upon reading the Bible we could possibly perceive God's Word as a long list of difficult duties and near impossible commands to us. We might get the impression that the Lord is a harsh, exacting and demanding kind of person. We might see Him as someone who demands obedience from a distance. We might...

Seeds of the Kingdom - Devotional Archive

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