Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
Before the weekend I was completely unable to accept a part of the Lordship prayer where we acknowledge the Lord's control over "the manner and timing of my death". I needed or wanted an "out", to be able to control this for myself..... Read More...

Seven Day Prayer Calendar

Seven-Day Prayer Calendar

Judges 20:16 talks about 700 left-handed men who could sling a stone at a hairsbreadth and not miss. Our desire is that we would be like those men in our prayer life: that our prayers would be effective and would always hit the target - no matter how difficult it may seem.

This Seven Day Prayer Calendar has been prepared with this in mind, as a helpful tool to give our intercessors key, ministry-wide prayer pointers for upholding the work of Ellel Ministries.


Please uphold each member of the executive leadership, the international leaders, the local leaders and our representatives in prayer for:

  • Protection for each individual, their friends and families.
  • Vision and insight to know God’s direction for the ministry.
  • Wisdom, revelation and faith to make godly decisions.
  • The anointing of the Holy Spirit to walk forward in boldness as God leads.


Please pray for the finances of the ministry as a whole:

  • As a faith-based ministry, for courage and steadfastness as we pray in God’s daily bread for our provision, and that our dependence will always be on Him as we seek to be able to meet all our ongoing obligations.
  • The finance teams of each centre and those who oversee the finances of the whole ministry.
  • Wise budgeting and financial planning to keep the ministry on a sound footing for maintenance of the ministry, coupled with faith and courage to step out in trust and obedience to the Lord when He requires us to do so.
  • The capital needs (abundance) of the ministry for development and pioneering work.


Please pray for all calendar events and ministry:

  • God’s protection and blessing on all those attending.
  • Anointing for those teaching.
  • All the prayer ministry team and others who minister, for wisdom, strength, guidance, protection and the anointing of the Lord.
  • That many will hear the good news and come to our centres or engage in our online training and discipleship programme.


Please pray for team unity and for each individual working for Ellel Ministries:

  • Godly relationships within the teams at each Ellel centre.
  • For strength, safety, good health and the ability to persevere in the work.
  • A spirit of humility and integrity to learn and grow from our mistakes.


Please pray for our ministry to the wider Body of Christ:

  • Blessing and insight from God to bring transformation and healing to those in need within the Church.
  • A positive response to the work and calling of Ellel Ministries and a greater understanding by individuals and the media.
  • Godly relationships between Ellel Ministries and the Church at large and with other Christian ministries.
  • Favour in the distribution of Ellel resources through Ellel 365, teaching, books, CDs, DVDs, Seeds of the Kingdom, TV and radio programmes etc.


Please pray for the recruitment and staffing of the ministry:

  • For the spiritual growth of the team and associates (volunteers) who are serving with us.
  • The people (with all the needed gifts) whom God is calling to join us in the work of harvest.
  • A constant flow of people with a servant-hearted attitude, who are willing to serve for a year in the Young People’s Team.


Please pray for those who support the ministry:

  • For God’s blessing on all donors, supporters, associates, intercessors and Partners in Mission.
  • That God would continue to raise up those who support the ministry.