Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
TESTIMONIESfor Healing Retreat
It was life-transforming! Where previously I had faltered continually in praying, worshiping and reading God's Word - now there was complete freedom, from distraction and disaffection...I began to hear God much more clearly and much more regularly and was thrilled to hear the things He was sharing with.... Read More...

Healing Retreats

Healing Retreats

A Healing Retreat will be of benefit, whether you need physical healing, struggle with emotional issues or recognise a spiritual problem. The work of Ellel Ministries began with offering Healing Retreats to people in need of help and these free events are still at the heart of our ministry. The Bible brings us the life-giving message of hope that God is able and willing to meet all our needs, no matter how desperate they may seem. In Luke 4:18-19 Jesus quotes part of the Old Testament saying:

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the downtrodden will be freed from their oppressors, and that the time of the Lord's favour has come.
Luke 4:18-19

Jesus was aware that the human race was in desperate need of healing, with many people lost to Him or living in situations which felt like prisons. They were physically, emotionally and spiritually ill, or crushed on the inside as people, so that they had lost - or had never really found - their true identity. As Jesus spoke the above words He was declaring that He was the answer. That in Him, and through His love, people could find good news that would bring eternal life. They could receive the healing that would bring restoration, and the freedom to live a fulfilling life, serving Him and in relationship with Him.

2000 years later, the human race needs Jesus as much as in any other generation. The answer is still the same.... Jesus.  He has asked Christians, as His followers, to carry on the work which He started while He was on the earth; to bring good news to the poor, to heal the broken-hearted and to release the captives.

What is a Healing Retreat?

All Ellel centres hold Healing Retreats. A Healing Retreat is a special opportunity to receive personal prayer ministry. During a Retreat there are times of praise and worship, teaching sessions and opportunities to receive individual prayer ministry in a safe and loving environment. The Retreats include personal time where delegates have the opportunity to spend time alone with the Lord as they enjoy the beautiful, peaceful settings of the Ellel centre. We have seen the Lord work in amazing ways through the whole experience of the Retreat - from the teaching to the ministry to the time spent in the grounds.

What is the teaching content?

During a Healing Retreat, the times of teaching cover biblical principles which are keys to receiving healing for body, soul and spirit.

Teaching will cover:

  • The importance of getting to the root of the problem
  • How we are made
  • Forgiveness
  • Acceptance
  • Understanding and knowing the Father Heart of God and His desire to heal, restore and fill us with His Holy Spirit
  • The importance of spiritual protection
  • The importance of making godly choices
  • How God enables us to walk on in victory

What will the times of prayer involve?

Your time for prayer ministry is time for you to be real - to share your heart and your struggles with your ministry team. It is a safe, loving environment where there will be no judgement or criticism. Personal sharing and prayer ministry often includes time talking and praying through any relevant areas of forgiveness, repentance and inviting Jesus to be Lord. It may also include recognising the work of the enemy in our lives and overcoming it through the power of the cross of Jesus.

The purpose of a Healing Retreat is to bring God's love and healing power into your life. Of course, it is not usually possible to deal with a life-time's problems all at once, but the aim is rather to facilitate a significant step forward in your Christian journey - often a breakthrough in some area. Your personal needs and the guidance of the Holy Spirit will assist the team in knowing what to pray about. There is also time for personal reflection.

Who are the ministry team members?

All those who minister with Ellel Ministries are committed mature Christians who have a heart to apply - from their experience and training - God's love, healing and restoration according to the principles of the Kingdom of God. They are carefully trained and evaluated by Ellel Ministries over a period of time prior to being released to minister under the supervision of the Ellel Ministries centre Ministry Manager.

It should be noted that members of the ministry teams are not required to have secular qualifications and are not professionals. Some are pastors or church leaders or have accreditation with other Christian organisations. The ministry teams work in groups of two or three. At least one ministry team member will be the same sex as the person seeking help.

Is it confidential?

Yes. What is confided, both on the application form and during prayer ministry, will be kept in strictest confidence. Application forms and personal details will be kept locked and secure. We will not release any details to anyone without your written permission, unless obliged to do so by law.

What are the results?

God works in different ways with different people. For some there is an immediate testimony of significant changes and for others the change is more progressive and continued over months or even years after their Retreat. Nearly everyone testifies to increased faith, strength and hope. For some, deep levels of pain may begin to be touched for the first time, which initially can result in being more aware of the pain, but God never does more than we can cope with. You will receive advice and encouragement about the way forward.

Will it solve all my problems?

None of us can say what the Lord Jesus will do in your life during the Healing Retreat. For some people there is powerful experience of healing, but for most people healing is a process, which means a continuing walk with God.

How much will it cost?

Ellel Ministries do not make any charge for Healing Retreats so that no-one is hindered from receiving help. We do invite those coming on a Retreat to donate whatever they can towards meeting the costs, whether much or little. Most people make a donation or sometimes their church might do so on their behalf. The cost of putting on a Healing Retreat is higher than the cost of a training course because food and accommodation for the ministry team also have to be covered.

Where and how is an application made?

An application form for a Healing Retreat may be obtained by phoning or writing to your nearest Ellel Ministries centre. After receiving an application we prayerfully consider the needs of the individual and will usually offer a place on a Healing Retreat. In some situations a Healing Retreat may not be considered to be the best way forward and alternative advice may be given.

How do I prepare for a Healing Retreat?

We are only able to offer one Healing Retreat per person. For this reason, it is very important that you get the most out of your Healing Retreat. We would recommend that you consider taking advantage of some of the wide range of Ellel foundational teaching first, which will provide excellent preparation for your Healing Retreat and will enable you to get the most out of it. 

How long is the waiting list?

We try to offer people a place on a Healing Retreat as soon as possible but due to high demand, the waiting list can be several months long. However, we have cancellation places which we offer to people who can come at short notice. When the completed application form is received, you will usually be sent details of any Training Courses that the team feel would help you in preparing for a Healing Retreat.

Do people come on their own?

Most people come on their own. Occasionally a carer is needed, in which case we may invite someone like a pastoral worker, spouse or friend to attend the Retreat with you, to act in a supportive role during the meals, teaching and free time. The carer will not normally participate in ministry sessions, or receive prayer for themselves. Carers are asked to pay towards accommodation and food costs.

What is the accommodation like?

Most of our centres are large and comfortable houses set in beautiful countryside. People sometimes come just to appreciate the environment! Bedroom accommodation ranges from smaller rooms where you may have to share with one other person, to larger rooms where there can be 3 to 6 people sharing. Some rooms have en-suite bathrooms. Should special meals be required for medical reasons, or a wheelchair accessible room be needed, please mention this at the time of your application.  

What is the next step after the Healing Retreat?

We recommend committed involvement with a local church and encourage you to receive ongoing pastoral care and ministry wherever this is available and appropriate. Those praying with you will discuss the next step for you and may suggest suitable Training Courses that would be beneficial for you.


I could not have been happier with how my ministry went. It is always an anxious time to know you are going to do business with the Lord and address tough issues, but the prayer ministers made me feel comfortable, cared for and listened to. Their advice and prayer was invaluable and I left with a weight off my shoulders and a deeper presence of God’s heart for me. I have been freed from anxieties and learned skills to deal with others that I need to address on a long term basis. I’m so grateful for this service offered by Ellel. Anne

I am very grateful that Ellel is a safe haven where I can go for respite and encouragement in the teachings that are offered and to know I belong to God’s family and the peace and security I feel in the beautiful surroundings. Frank

The ministry team were very patient people and it was easy to feel at ease in their presence. They were able to lift off things that were still binding me from my past. I had a blockage in being able to identify Father God as being a close Father, as my own parents were quite aloof and unemotional towards their children ... I now see Father God as one who yearns to have His children come to Him for connection, refreshment and healing. He welcomes us with open arms and we should never feel ashamed of our weaknesses but confidently bring them to him knowing He is for us and not against us. Logan

Thank you for the time and effort all the staff and volunteers put in to my stay at Ellel. I really appreciate it. I felt cared for and blessed by the ministry team. It is great to know there is a place for Christians to go to get back on track and to find caring people who genuinely want to help us get better. Joy

There has been a shifting in my heart. Returning home I have realised that my circumstances have not necessarily changed but my perspective has. Feel greater sense of peace and awareness of God’s unconditional love for me. Megan