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Ellel Ministries is a non-denominational international Christian ministry that seeks to serve the Body of Christ in two main ways… by offering practical biblical teaching and prayer ministry to those in need of healing and by training and equipping people to become more effective in helping others.
Founded in the North West of England in 1986 by Peter Horrobin, these core principles have never changed, and this dual approach is the hallmark of Ellel Ministries, a ministry that now spans more than 30 countries across the globe.
Founded on the Scriptural principles of Jesus’ model in Luke 9:11 our aim is to:
- Welcome all people with God’s love and compassion and without judgement or condemnation.
- Teach biblically based discipleship principles that enable people to be transformed through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and equip them to share the message of hope and healing with others.
- Heal those who are facing struggles in life; emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually, with a certain knowledge that no person is outside of God’s reach for restoration.
What is healing?
Healing is God’s divine and supernatural work of bringing order into a person’s life where there has been disorder.
Healing is a broad term that encompasses restoration from and dealing with past experiences, present struggles and future expectations. It is a fundamental and privileged part of the Christian walk. As Scripture promises us time and time again… Our God is a God who heals (Exodus 15:26)!
Healing should be motivated by a desire for a more comprehensive, intimate and fulfilling relationship with God and with others. Whilst there can be miraculous and divine encounters with God, these should not be the goal themselves but a springboard for a deepening of relationship with God and a more Godly way of living. Healing enables us to better reflect His character and nature and to be fruitful in His Kingdom.
As such, at Ellel Ministries we teach about healing in the context of discipleship, firmly believing they are intrinsically intertwined. Our approach to healing is very proactive, dealing with issues such as sin, unforgiveness, wounding, false beliefs and strongholds of the enemy. Balancing personal responsibility, Biblical truths and miraculous intervention from God prepares the way for a divine encounter that can and does transform even the most broken of lives.
We hope you enjoy browsing our website and look forward to welcoming you at one of our centres in the future. If you have any questions please contact us and we'd be glad to help.