Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
God healed the brokenness I had been carrying, broke the lies of shame, delivered me from fear and allowed me the freedom to express myself, knowing that I am safe in Him and He wont abandon me. .... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Planting a Seed

by Peter Brokaar

10 October 2018

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Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin…
Zechariah 4:10a, NLT

At our recent International Leaders Conference at Ellel Pierrepont, Peter Horrobin encouraged us all to take home an acorn. The idea is that we would plant it back at our centres and see it grow over the years as a reminder that all great things start small. Oak trees grown from Pierrepont acorns will spread all over the world!

As I walked the grounds later in the week I was suddenly struck by the incredible variety in the many oak trees. Each of these trees was an oak, yet every single one was totally different. As I looked from an acorn to a tree, and from a tree to an acorn, I marvelled. No one except God would be able to predict what the tree would end up looking like at the point of planting. We cannot discern its genetic code with our eyes. And we cannot predict what kind of environmental conditions the tree will be growing in, contributing to its shape and form.

As humankind we are called to invest in the future, as stewards of the earth and as servants in God’s Kingdom. We are called to plant seeds, we are called to invest, trusting that God will bring forth mighty things throughout the years, and throughout the generations. At Blairmore we have the enjoyment of a brilliant woodland- one we did not plant. These trees were planted by people who would never see the beauty we see today. We are reaping the reward of the investments of others generations ago. Jesus pointed the same thing out to His disciples (John 4:38 NLT): “I sent you to harvest where you didn’t plant; others had already done the work, and now you will get to gather the harvest.”

We can (and should) ask God what it is that we need to be investing. Is it time in precious ones and children? Is it money that we put into the work of the kingdom? Is it our gifts and talents that we need to bring to the table to bless others with and put at the disposal of our God?

You might feel that what you can bring is only a tiny seed- as small as an acorn. But if we are faithful to bring the little we do have, and give that little bit to God, it becomes an investment. We can trust that He will look after the big things. He can grow our seemingly tiny investments into mighty oaks.

Prayer: Father in heaven, thank you for all that you have given me and for the rewards I am reaping due to the other people’s investments. Help me to also invest into the future for the sake of others and for the sake of Your Kingdom. In Jesus’ name. AMEN.

Peter Brokaar is Director of Ellel Ministries Scotland and has been there together with his wife Liz since 2005. They have 3 kids, all born in Scotland! In his free time he likes reading, cooking, running and surfing. Being at Ellel Scotland has given him the privilege of getting to know God deeper and sharing that joy with many others.


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