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Seeds of the Kingdom

No Longer Slaves

by Stephanie Poulin

10 October 2019

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This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you. There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me.
John 15:12-15, NLT

Lately I’ve been reflecting quite a bit on the awesome privilege we have, to be in relationship with the Lord. What an incredible thing it is that the God who created the universe, wants to have a relationship with us! He could have been a distant God, just kind of watching from afar, but no – He has chosen us. He wants to have friendship with us and share the things that are on His heart, confiding in us. What an amazing thing that is!

I find it comforting to know that, in this passage, the people the Lord was speaking to were his disciples – people who were far from perfect. This is a comfort because I am often far from perfect myself. Now this isn’t to say that our relationship with God is something to take for granted. This isn’t a something for nothing kind of deal. Today’s passage shows us that in order to have friendship with God, we must do what He commands. God’s word gives us clear instruction for how we need to live to be holy. But I want to encourage you. He equips us by His Holy Spirit to be able to keep His commands. On our own we would find it impossible to keep them.

Going back to today’s passage, though, I am grateful to see that it is the disciples the Lord was speaking to, because this shows me that God is patient and loving. If we were to have a relationship with the Lord like a slave with a master, then it would be a rather fearful thing to make mistakes.

But we can see from today’s passage that this isn’t what the Lord wants with us. He wants a close relationship, as friends, where He can confide is us. And what an amazing thing it is that He will give us the grace we need to live lives that please Him! So, we can have this relationship with Jesus in the same way He did with His disciples.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your great love towards me, that You loved me and gave Your son for me while I was still a sinner. Help me today to keep Your commands and give me a holy fear that I would not break Your commands. May nothing come in the way of the fellowship You long to have with me, Amen.

Stephanie Poulin Stephanie attended the Flagship program at Ellel Grange in 20120. Earlier this year she came from her home in Canada to join the team at Ellel Grange, where she works on Reception and Booking.


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