Freemasonry!! It's toxic. Pretends to be from The Bible and two other gods and even much is based on quotes from the New Testament, but Jesus is absent in it all. I've had to do so much renunciation to lift curses etc. My husband, a RC, joined to learn the handshake, then blabbed about it. We have been so attacked by Satan as a result. I know it sounds like mumbo jumbo, but what has physically come out in the renunciation, which I've needed to do multiple times, has been mind blowing. Dad also must have stepped out of line with the cult because there has was so much attack on mum as well. An uncle wanted his son in Freemasonary so he wouldn't marry a RC. That brings a wry smile. Sometimes in the renunciation, for example, your voice gets taken from you it's that powerful. The person this happens to puts their hand up and everybody stops. The person is prayed upon until released/delivered, then off we'd go again. Its been an incredible journey within, with thanks to Jesus and the way He works with the Ellel team!