Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
Before the weekend I was completely unable to accept a part of the Lordship prayer where we acknowledge the Lord's control over "the manner and timing of my death". I needed or wanted an "out", to be able to control this for myself..... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Looking ahead

by Peter Brokaar

He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.” Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
Revelation 22:20, NKJV

At the moment of writing this ‘Seed’ our family holiday is just around the corner. It’s interesting how all of a sudden the day-to-day things start to lose some of their importance once holiday time comes around. Our minds become rather pre-occupied with tying up those loose ends at work as well as at home and we start thinking about all the wonderful things we will do when we are away. It really helps us with putting our everyday life a bit more in perspective.

As Christians we all have something to look forward to which far outweighs even our annual summer holiday - our Lord Jesus is coming back! His return is, of course, by far the most important event of our era. The Bible frequently admonishes us to not lose sight of the fact that He is coming soon and God instructs us to live our lives accordingly.

Jesus said that when He returns it will be as in the days of Noah. People will be eating, drinking, marrying and trading. All these activities are run-of-the-mill stuff and none of them are inherently sinful. After all, God, in His love for us, has given us many good things to enjoy during our stay on earth! Yet He warns us that we should not become so pre-occupied with everyday life that we forget the big event just ahead - Jesus’ Christ’s return to earth.

He will come to judge righteously and to rule as King. When you think of it every part of our life should be lived in the context of this prospect. His imminent return forms the backdrop for our daily lives. When we read the prophetic writings, in both the Old and New Testament, we can see that His return is drawing closer every day. In the meantime He wants us to look to Him in order to find out how we can be useful in His service.

As with our summer holidays we want to make sure that we are adequately prepared for that which is ahead. We would not want the busyness of our everyday life to cause us to forget that something very special is just beyond the horizon. May God in His grace help us to remember to say: “Come, Lord Jesus! Come quickly!”

Prayer: Father in heaven, thank You that we may know that Jesus is coming back soon. Please help me to know how to live my life within the context of this prospect! Prepare me and those I love for Your Son’s return. Today I want to pray this: “Come quickly Lord Jesus!” Amen.

Peter Brokaar is Director of Ellel Ministries Scotland and has been there together with his wife Liz since 2005. They have 3 kids, all born in Scotland! In his free time he likes reading, cooking, running and surfing. Being at Ellel Scotland has given him the privilege of getting to know God deeper and sharing that joy with many others.


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