Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
God healed the brokenness I had been carrying, broke the lies of shame, delivered me from fear and allowed me the freedom to express myself, knowing that I am safe in Him and He wont abandon me. .... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Care and Concern for the Things of God

by Peter Brokaar

25 February 2020

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The LORD confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them.
Psalm 25:14, NIV

One of the greatest privileges in life surely is to be let into the deep and vulnerable places of another person’s heart. It is truly special to be trusted by another person to such an extent that they would be willing to share the things that are precious and personal to them.

This sharing of hearts can really only happen in the context of a deep, intimate and trusting bond. It might occur between spouses, siblings, best friends or between parents and children. To have the opportunity to be involved in such sharing is to have a rich life indeed.

We carefully pick those with whom we share, not out of paranoia or a desire to be secretive, but because we know that great pain will ensue if our intimate trust is disrespected.

What really impacts me powerfully is the realisation that God Himself also wants to share the things that are precious to Him. God has deep and personal feelings and thoughts and He has a desire to share Himself with us, His children. When God shows us things that are close to His heart, He is entrusting us with that what is dear to Him.

As we are made in His image, I would think that the conditions for this entrustment are similar to those on the human plane. I don’t think God would readily share things with us if we show no care or concern for Him. But when we really do love Him, we also learn to love the things that matter to Him.

It really is amazing. We probably all realise that we are weak, feeble, and in many ways, untrustworthy human beings. Yet God is willing to risk sharing His heart with us, His children. I truly cannot think of a greater privilege in life than to be entrusted with even the smallest sliver or the tiniest glimpse of personal and intimate thoughts from our Maker and King. For that reason, I think we may pray that God Himself would qualify us to be entrusted to get to know Him more, and to better understand the things that matter to Him.

Prayer: Father in heaven I thank You that You created us for deep, intimate and personal relationship, not only with other human beings, but also with You. Please teach me to love You more and to care deeply for the things that are important and precious to Your heart. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Peter Brokaar is Director of Ellel Ministries Scotland and has been there together with his wife Liz since 2005. They have 3 kids, all born in Scotland! In his free time he likes reading, cooking, running and surfing. Being at Ellel Scotland has given him the privilege of getting to know God deeper and sharing that joy with many others.


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