Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
God healed the brokenness I had been carrying, broke the lies of shame, delivered me from fear and allowed me the freedom to express myself, knowing that I am safe in Him and He wont abandon me. .... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

A Celebration of Seasons

by Angie Whitaker

30 November 2019

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… Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? …
2 Corinthians 13:5, NKJV

The seasons have changed. What a joy to see this yearly transition from one season to the next! Yes, the weather may be less predictable but, fundamentally, God designed the part of the world I live in to be blessed with different seasons to herald the natural order of life.

Our garden is looking a little bedraggled. The flowers are mostly finished, and the leaves of the deciduous trees have fallen. It looks a little tired, very wet and ready for a winter sleep. As the leaves were changing colour, and before they fell, I noticed the striking colour of one of the Japanese maple trees we have in our garden. Always beautiful, this tree seemed particularly so as I stood under its branches. It seemed to glow because of the bright greenish yellow colour of its leaves. As I stood there smiling, I knew that God was speaking to me through this.

I thought of those things and people we take for granted. Yes, we may enjoy the company of family and friends and those we come in contact with, but do we ever see the beauty in them that is uniquely theirs, reflecting the glory of our Creator God? So often we are weighed down with the cares of this world. We don’t seem to have the time to look and really see the hand of our Lord and Saviour both in the natural world and in the people around us.

Do we ever pause and see the hallmark of Jesus in someone who belongs to Christ? Do we see beauty in someone who does not yet know their Lord and Maker? If something speaks of our God in the non-believer, how much more should there be an imprint of Him in those who do believe?

Jesus’ promise to us is that those who belong to Him will be baptised with the Holy Spirit. His Spirit will dwell in us and we will be a witness to Him. We should see the evidence outworking in our lives, in the fruit and in the gifts He has so generously bestowed upon us.

Let us appreciate each other and ask God to help us to really see the inherent beauty that God has placed in His children. Sometimes we may only get a glimpse, but it is there, if we can but see it. The leaves of the tree have now fallen, but for a brief moment its beauty shone out as never before.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, we are in awe of You and in the work of Your hands. Help us to appreciate all those we come into contact with and to reach out and see them as You do. We are so thankful for Your redemptive mercy and the life You have given to us. Help us to reflect Your life in us, for Your eternal glory. Amen.

Angie Whitaker Angie, together with husband John, is a long-time supporter of Ellel Ministries. She is currently involved in Explore B at Ellel Grange and helps facilitate the pottery workshops on our "Healing through Creativity" courses.


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