Jezus ontving hen en vertelde hun over het Koninkrijk van God. En Hij genas de mensen die genezing nodig hadden. Lukas 9:11
De dicipel school, de lering van gods Geest heeft vertrouwen gegeven Hem leren kennen wie Hij is en wat Hij is ,Hij is onze Maker!.... Read More...
Teaching Format

The 9 Week Flagship Programme - Teaching Format

The 9 week programme is dynamic, with training sessions, tutorial groups and opportunities for practical ministry experience. You will have the opportunity to receive for yourself as you learn more about true discipleship and apply it to your own life, at the same time as being mentored in how to come alongside others, putting what you learn into practice. 

Practical sessions take a variety of forms including:

Alongside the extensive input sessions, there are practical sessions.

  • Opportunities to receive personal ministry alongside some of the teaching
  • Small groups tutorials
  • A personal ministry day
  • Healing Retreats in which delegates are given a valuable opportunity to come alongside experienced members of our ministry team to minister or intercede on two, 3 day Healing Retreats.
I learned more on the nine weeks of the Flagship programme than in 32 years of Army chaplaincy and parish ministry

The fellowship, teaching and sense of well-being was like experiencing what heaven must be like!

A typical day starts at 9.30am with worship together followed by training. There are also some evening and weekend sessions.

Delegates invariably testify that the experience gained through the practical sessions reinforces the truth and reality of all that they have heard during the teaching sessions. You will leave the programme encouraged and excited about putting the principles you have learnt into practice as you seek to be used by God to help and pray for others.

I was delighted to attend the Flagship Programme. I had a wonderful time with God - my relationship with God is deeper and more meaningful. God touched my life and restored my broken past. What God has done in me, He will use for my future ministry. I received love and care from the people here. They are loving people. It’s all been wonderful to see and experience - especially having delegates from 15 nations together in one place. It’s amazing!

Free Time and Recreation

The Flagship structure and the attractive environment at Ellel Grange provides a wonderful setting for fellowship with other delegates. Optional outings, walks, film nights and recreational activities will be arranged as part of the programme to help you to unwind and relax and to fully enjoy the experience of attending the 9 Week Flagship Programme.