Jezus ontving hen en vertelde hun over het Koninkrijk van God. En Hij genas de mensen die genezing nodig hadden. Lukas 9:11
Teaching Content

The 9 Week Flagship Programme - Teaching Content

The teaching content of the 9 week programme is designed to give you a biblical understanding of discipleship, healing and deliverance. This then opens the way for your personal release and healing, and equips you to help others. The programme includes opportunities to receive personal prayer ministry and to put into practice the principles learned.  

The programme more than met my expectations! I hoped to learn about healing and deliverance, and how to walk more closely with God. I feel more equipped in all these areas.

The teaching of the 9 Week Flagship Programme is structured around the following main themes:

Understanding the Spiritual Realms

A clear understanding of basic Christian theology and the nature of the spiritual battle experienced in this life are essential foundations for effective healing ministry. Topics covered include:

  • Understanding law, grace and covenant
  • Understanding the power and purposes of the cross
  • The power and authority of Jesus
  • Satan's strategies and tactics
  • The healing and deliverance ministry of Jesus

Understanding the Nature and Needs of Man

Understanding how we are made by God in His image, how He designed us to function as people and how to identify some of the reasons why we might experience dysfunction in our lives. This training will then help us to minister to others more effectively. Topics covered include:

  • The nature of man - body, soul and spirit
  • The ways in which we can be damaged in these three areas of our being
  • Carnality and woundedness
  • Human relationships and the need for acceptance
  • Understanding godly and ungodly soul-ties
  • Sex and sexuality
  • Generational iniquity
  • Demonic footholds in the life of man
  • Beliefs, mindsets and behaviour patterns

The Process of Healing

The training in this section, illustrated with practical examples, explains the various ways in which God may bring healing into our lives and those we seek to help. Topics covered include:

  • Healing through deliverance
  • Inner healing and emotional wholeness
  • Dealing with and releasing emotional pain
  • Healing for the human spirit
  • Healing for victims of accident and trauma
  • Healing the broken-hearted
  • Freedom from fear and anxiety
  • Freedom from addictions
  • Freedom from occult and false religions
  • Healing through creativity

Praying for and Ministering to Others

Understanding how to be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit and the skills we need to develop as we make ourselves available to be used by God to help others. Topics covered include:

  • Moving under the anointing of the Holy Spirit
  • The skills needed by a prayer minister
  • How to confront in love
  • Discernment and deception
  • Ministering to the abused
  • Intercession, worship and healing

The Challenge to fulfil the Great Commission

Jesus calls us to preach the gospel, heal the sick, set the captives free and make disciples. This section will encourage you to step out to fulfil this challenge using all that you have learnt. Topics include:

  • Cleansing of buildings and property
  • Sharing Kingdom truths in your church
  • Healing for indigenous people groups
  • Healing and destiny
  • The challenge to fruitfulness