Jezus ontving hen en vertelde hun over het Koninkrijk van God. En Hij genas de mensen die genezing nodig hadden. Lukas 9:11
De dicipel school, de lering van gods Geest heeft vertrouwen gegeven Hem leren kennen wie Hij is en wat Hij is ,Hij is onze Maker!.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Human Spirit

by John Sainsbury

15 December 2023

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When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.
Luke 1:41, NIV

When I was a pastor, we’d reach this time of year, and I’d be wondering how to (re)tell the story of Jesus’ birth in such a way as it ‘grabbed’ people’s attention for the incredible event that it was, rather than feeling over-familiar and sadly, easily lost beneath the pile of Christmas cards. Today, I was struck afresh about the enormity of the times leading up to that world-changing moment.

Luke, having ‘carefully investigated everything from the beginning’ (Luke 1:3), tells the story of a pregnant Mary hurrying down to Judea to visit her relative Elizabeth, who was expecting a child in her old age (Luke 1:36). Elizabeth’s story of conceiving John (the Baptist) is a miracle in itself, of course. But it’s interesting that, when Mary entered her home, and Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, ‘the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit’ (Luke 1:41). Then, by that same Holy Spirit, she was able to proclaim something beyond her own understanding: ‘In a loud voice she exclaimed: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you bear! But why am I so favoured that the mother of my Lord should come to me? As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy”’ (Luke 1:42-44).

Reading this story again, I realised that, even though Elizabeth’s baby was still in formation, his body in all its complexity still being developed, and as-yet unready to be born, his human spirit was fully alert. How remarkable that this incredibly precious human spirit was able to witness to the fact that Mary carried in her womb the Messiah of Israel. And somehow, in ways that are certainly beyond my understanding, this event also enabled Elizabeth to be filled with the Holy Spirit so that she too could give witness to the truth of who Mary’s baby truly was.

It’s a mysterious story, but Luke felt it was one that we, sharing in the research that Luke provided for Theophilus (Luke 1:3), should know about, even if we don’t fully understand how it was possible. It affirms that the birth of these two babies was the event in space time history, long awaited and much predicted, that would open the floodgates of salvation.

So, I guess the questions for us today include these: Have we recognised who this baby that Mary was carrying truly was? And, if we have, have we truly committed to living with Him as our Lord too? (Luke 1:43).

May I encourage you, as you also begin your preparations for this Christmas season, to keep your focus on what really matters, recognising Jesus for who He truly is, God with us (Isaiah 9:6).

John Sainsbury and his wife Sue are part of the leadership team at Ellel Grange. John has served as a church leader for many years, most recently as Lead Pastor of the Garstang Free Methodist Church. He has a passion for seeing many brought into the fulness of life that following Christ brings.


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