Jezus ontving hen en vertelde hun over het Koninkrijk van God. En Hij genas de mensen die genezing nodig hadden. Lukas 9:11
De dicipel school, de lering van gods Geest heeft vertrouwen gegeven Hem leren kennen wie Hij is en wat Hij is ,Hij is onze Maker!.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

He Sees You

by Bayo Earl

26 September 2024

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Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
James 1:17, NIV

Something I have been thinking about recently is how much our mindsets would shift if we really took this verse on, that every good thing is a gift from our Father. Imagine how much more seen we would feel, or reassured that He is with us. But instead, we can find it a lot easier to forget to notice these things, or to forget who it is that they come from.

Often, we can make the mistake of thinking we have to have a deeply spiritual encounter with God, or a ‘word’ from someone, in order to know that God is with us and He sees us. But what if we started to recognise the good gifts He gives as reminders that He is with us.

I don’t believe in ignoring the realities of life and just deciding to be positive, because I believe it’s important to be real, and to express how we feel about what is going on. But it doesn’t have to end there. The truth is that God is with us, even when we feel as if He is distant, or when life just seems hard. Those good, healthy things which keep us going are gifts from Him.

Maybe it’s the sunset we see as we are driving home after what felt like a hard day. Maybe it’s that friend being there to give us a hug and listen to us when we need it. Or maybe it’s the provision He makes for us, even in a hard situation. These things are gifts from our Father, reminding us that He sees us exactly where we are, how we are, and that He is with us. He is not holding back from us.

Psalm 84:11 says He withholds no good thing from those who walk with Him. But what I might want or define as ‘good’ might not always be what I get. It doesn’t mean I just get everything I want because I think it is ‘good’ for me, but it does mean that my Father knows what is really good for me, and then He gives that to me. For example, He provides for me, He puts beautiful people in my life, He has created those favourite places for me to walk in.

I’m learning to see even small things, which don’t seem like much, but which bless me, as gifts from Him, and as reminders that He sees me and is with me.

Why not ask Him to show you something today that is a gift from Him specifically for you?

Bayo Earl Bayo is on team at Ellel Grange after originally joining Ellel through the gap year programme UNDIVIDED. She loves to be creative – particularly through textiles – has a lot of plants, inside and outside, and is definitely an outdoors person.


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