Jezus ontving hen en vertelde hun over het Koninkrijk van God. En Hij genas de mensen die genezing nodig hadden. Lukas 9:11

Seeds of the Kingdom

Don’t Let the Past Hold You Back

by Philip Asselin

9 December 2023

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They said, “The land we explored devours those living in it. All the people we saw there of great size … We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them”.
Numbers 13:32-33, NLT

Numbers Chapter 13 tells of the ill-fated expedition of the twelve spies sent to the land of Canaan to evaluate the land in readiness for the people of Israel to go in and conquer it. All of them agreed it was a wonderful land. Two bold men, Caleb and Joshua, saw the challenges, but trusted God. The ten others saw the challenges, but were terrified.

These ten started their account factually, in highlighting the challenges the people were to face. But when Caleb spoke boldly in favour of going, they changed tack, and began to stress that the Israelites had no chance of success (Numbers 13:32-33). Notice that they went so far as to assume that the way they saw themselves as insignificant was also the way the people of the land would see them!

As I read this passage, I found myself wondering about their strong rejection of God’s plan for Israel to enter the Promised Land. Yes, there were obviously major challenges – strong armies, fortified buildings, and tall and imposing soldiers. But God had proved Himself faithful through many miracles; not least the crossing of the Red Sea and the destruction of Pharaoh’s mighty army. So, what could be behind this deep-rooted fear they were experiencing?

I believe it was rooted in their past failure and defeat as a result of being subjugated slaves of Pharaoh all their lives. Faced with an army in Canaan, their past fears, rejection, shock, and trauma, rose up and prevented them from experiencing all that God had for them. Caleb and Joshua saw the same challenges, had the same past experiences, but were lifted beyond them by their confidence in God.

Fear, rejection, shock, and trauma, in the past, often holds us back from claiming the blessings God has for us. They emerge when we are faced with situations that hearken back to the past. We easily justify these spiritual holds as logical, just as the ten spies did.  They thought they were protecting the people of Israel from a repeat of their past enslavement. They couldn’t see that their negative attitude had roots in the past.

If you are confronted with your own negative reactions and responses to situations that you can tell don’t affect others in the same way, it would be a good idea to ask Holy Spirit to show you where these are rooted in past negative and painful experiences. God’s desire is for you to be free to enter into all the blessings He has for you. The past needs to be healed, and the hold of the enemy broken. Turn to Jesus and ask for His healing today.

Philip Asselin Philip is on the associate ministry and teaching teams with Glyndley Manor. He and his wife Gillian attended the second Healing Retreat at Glyndley Manor in 1992, and were greatly helped. They have two grown up children, one grandson, and a step-granddaughter in California, and a daughter and granddaughter in Eastbourne. His desire is to see people healed and set free to serve God.


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