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Seeds of the Kingdom

Who Has the Better Plan?

by Paul Watson

27 October 2013

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The chief cupbearer, however, did not remember Joseph; he forgot him
Genesis 40:23, NIV

Joseph was an inspiring character. How did he keep a Godly attitude when life broughthim such a lot of strife, pain, and disappointment?

The youngest boy in the family (for a significant period of his life); dad’s favourite; living with the jealousy of the older half brothers. He had been sold into slavery, but had risen to a place of favour and importance with Potiphar. Then, despite showing remarkable resistance to the seductive advances of his master’s wife in a display of uncommon Godliness, the Lord allowed Joseph to be falsely accused and thrown into prison. We don’t know how long he was in prison, but again he showed his good character and was entrusted with great responsibility serving under the prison warden. I wonder how he came to terms with his situation. How did he deal with his anger and hurt which would have stemmed from the injustice in his life?

Then, here comes a chance to get out of prison! The cupbearer and the baker have been sentenced to prison for displeasing Pharaoh. Joseph interprets their dreams and while it’s not a happy forecast for the baker – the cupbearer is going to be re-instated. I can imagine Joseph thinking “Ok, here is my chance. If Mr. Cupbearer goes back to his job working closely with Pharaoh, perhaps he can put in a good word for me, and I can be released and return home.” So he asks the man to “mention me to Pharaoh and get me out of this prison”. (Gen 40:14)

As our verse tells us, Joseph was again disappointed. The cupbearer forgot all about Joseph. In Joseph’s position, I would have been tempted to become negative, bitter, and would probably feel angry at all the people who had caused me to be in that situation, and also angry at God. But Joseph was safe in God’s will and purposes. God had a much better plan than Joseph had. Joseph’s plan was to organize things so he could be released from the prison. God’s plan was to rescue His people from starvation. His bigger plan was to rescue the whole world from captivity to sin, the world and the devil.

When things don’t work out as I think they ought to, I try to think of this story of Joseph, and I ask my Heavenly Dad to help me to trust that His plan is perfect – far better than mine. How about you?

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Dad, please help me to trust that Your plan is the very best, and to be assured that as I trust You I am secure and safe. Amen.

Paul Watson At the end of 2020, Paul stepped down from his role as Centre Director of Ellel Pierrepont in the UK, and with his wife Diane, returned to live in Western Australia. They are enjoying having a break and spending time with their family. Paul and Diane are still on the Board of Ellel Ministries Australia.


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