Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
I have received so much healing in the three courses that I have been to. Gilbula, just outside of Sydney, is such a special place where it's easy to feel like you have "come home" and the teaching, fellowship and the amazing meals recharge your spirit. I.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Under A Rest

by Otto Bixler

19 November 2009

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Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
Exodus 20:8, NASB

Have you been arrested by God, or are you still rushing about madly trying to get everything done? Some time ago God got my and my wife’s (Sharon) attention about taking one day in seven as a rest day – a Sabbath, Exodus 20: 8-11. As we adjusted our lives to less work time we discovered we could get more done. But then He brought dramatic confirmation to us.

One of our dear friends had been diagnosed with breast cancer and was scheduled for surgery in two days time when we heard about it. Sharon had just returned from the UK where she had attended a course on Keys to Cancer in which Peter Horrobin had emphasized obedience to the Ten Commandments.

We went to see our friend with the simple plan of praying through the commandments. When we got to the fourth one, taking a Sabbath rest, she struggled incredibly since she had an invalid child and needed to be on duty every day. Finally she succumbed to God, being willing to live differently. A mighty deliverance took place as she put this part of her life in order.

None of the other commandments we prayed through seemed to touch her life as that one had. That was Saturday. On Monday she went to the hospital for the operation that would have removed her breast. But, before the operation she asked the doctor to x-ray once more where the tumour had been. It was gone. Just to be sure, they operated and removed some lymph glands which were sent out for biopsy. There was no cancer. The disbelieving doctor sent the sample back a second time with the same results.

So, are you arguing with God about not having enough time? Is that the cancer eating up your life? Hopefully you won’t neglect this commandment that God will restore your life and protect your body. In Psalm 95:10-11 and in Numbers 15:32-39 there is a connection made between those who follow after their own hearts, not knowing God’s ways, disobedience, and not entering His rest (see also Hebrews 3:18, 4:11). God is real; His commandments are real. It can be a matter of life and death if followed.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help me see where I have not entered into Your rest, by making flesh my strength. I have continued to use my time in “productive” ways when You said that one in seven days is for rest. Please forgive me for transgressing Your commandments. It has seemed that there is not enough week for all the things that I have to do. Help me to step back onto the pathway, your plan for my life. I will actively make changes to put my life in order. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Otto Bixler and his wife Sharon joined the full-time team in 1990 and began the work of Ellel East (covering Eastern Europe and Russia) in 1992. He is Regional Director of Ellel East, a member of the Executive Leadership, an ordained Vineyard pastor, and teaches worldwide for Ellel. He has recently authored a book “Widows, Orphans, and Prisoners” which has come out of his 18 years of ministry in the Ellel East region. Otto has one married son and two grandchildren who live in the USA. His heart is to establish the Kingdom of God in churches wherever he goes through the equipping of the saints and helping in their restoration process.


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