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Seeds of the Kingdom

Tell God About It

by Matt Moore

You will be righteous, Lord, even if I bring a case against You. Yet, I wish to contend with You: Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why do all the treacherous live at ease?
Jeremiah 12:1, HCSB

God is described as judge, but also, in the person of the Holy Spirit, as our advocate. Accordingly, He is both Lawyer and Judge. As such, God doesn’t shy away from our arguments, or even when we bring a case against Him. The Scriptures record many men of God openly telling God the injustice they are experiencing and the unfairness of their situations. The Bible records these interactions between God and Moses, Job, David and many others. In our scripture today, it’s Jeremiah’s turn.

Jeremiah clearly says he’s bringing his case against the Lord. Nevertheless, he does it in a spirit of humility and without accusing God falsely. In fact, Jeremiah recognizes that God is righteous even though he (Jeremiah) doesn’t understand God’s ways. Jeremiah lays out several things that don’t seem fair. Why do the wicked prosper? Worse yet, why do the treacherous live a life of ease? Meanwhile, Jeremiah experiences God’s testing and trials.

Jeremiah doesn’t hold back. He goes on to express real emotion in strong words about what he wants God to do to the people that oppose God and do wicked things that affect the community and nation of Israel.

In the same way, we can express injustice, frustration, disappointment, and even anger to God. God is big enough to handle it and often He will even answer our arguments and questions. In this case, God responds to Jeremiah by encouraging him to keep the faith and He assures Jeremiah He will bring punishment on those that do evil. He also tells Jeremiah His long-term plans.

Being honest with God, even when we are upset or angry at Him, isn’t wrong, as long as we recognize that God is righteous, and his judgements are perfect. In fact, being honest with God will bring an honest response from God. God likes honesty. And He is big enough to handle when we are upset and questioning our life situation as well as His decisions that are affecting us.

Prayer: Thank You, Lord, for giving us examples of how we can express our feelings and thoughts honestly, even when our feelings are those of injustice, disappointment, anger and grief. Help me to see You as a good Father, who wants to know everything about me. Thank You that You are big enough to handle it. Amen.

Matt Moore Matt is the National Director of Ellel Ministries USA where he serves with His wife Becky and their two daughters. Matt grew up in Indonesia. He was a corporate litigation attorney for 10 years and a pastor for 8 years before he joined the Ellel USA team in 2014.


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