Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
God has revealed many times in my life where past hurts have caused behaviours and patterns, which have been detrimental to me. He has put on my heart to draw close to Him and bring others to Him also. .... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Strangers no more

by Roger Pook

30 October 2009

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Now therefore you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow-citizens with the saints, and of the household of God.
Ephesians 2:19, NKJV

Have you ever walked into a crowded room full of people who were total strangers to you? For some people this is a pleasant challenge. They think ‘Here’s an opportunity to make some new friends!’ But for many of us, it’s a situation of total fear and insecurity, and we feel completely alone even in such a crowd.

How wonderful it is then if we see a familiar face, someone who knows us, greets us and then starts to introduce us to all these other people. Suddenly we feel accepted and at ease. They’re no longer strangers to us, and we no longer feel like strangers among them.

God created us to have relationships - first of all with Him, and then with
other people. He said ‘It is not good for man to be alone’. This is why it’s so good to be in fellowship with other believers. God is not only the ’friend who introduces us’, He’s the Father who delights in seeing His family getting together and having a good time with Him and with each other.

But God is the Creator and Father of the whole human race, not just of Christian believers, and He can introduce us to all of His other children too. Satan tells us ‘these people are strangers’. But God, living in us by His Holy Spirit, takes away our fear and makes us a channel for His love and acceptance. Jean-Paul Sartre said that ‘hell is other people’ but God says that ‘our struggle is not against flesh and blood because other people are not the enemy. They too are our brothers and sisters, God knows and loves them all, and if we let Him, He will introduce them to us. He’s our ‘friend in the crowded room’ for the whole world.

Prayer: Loving Father, please forgive me for believing Satan's lies and for rejecting those who are strangers to me. They are my fellow human beings, made and loved by You. Please introduce us so that we can enjoy Your love together. I ask this in the name of Jesus who brought me back close to You .In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Roger Pook For 21 years Roger Pook and his wife Christine served in Central and Eastern Europe, based in Hungary at the Úr Rétje centre of Ellel Ministries. From there they travelled and ministered across the length and breadth of the former communist world. In 2018 Roger retired as Regional Director and they now live back in the UK, where Roger still serves on the Executive Leadership and as a trustee of The Christian Trust. They still travel for the Kingdom!


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