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Seeds of the Kingdom

Moving Mountains

by Anne Lawrence

19 February 2012

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I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.
Matthew 17: 20, NIV

A few years ago, when Paul and I were living in Sheffield, I discovered a short cut between the tram stop and the part of the university where I was working. It involved walking along a path through a housing estate. This path was very, very steep and, as winter came, so did the ice. I began to notice that some days I would get slower and slower as I walked down the steep path, very worried about the ice and feeling that I was going to slip any minute, but other days I could walk faster. I gradually realised that the difference was to do with where my eyes were focussed. As I looked down at the path and saw how steep it was, and the ice, I became more and more cautious. I became slower and slower, and more fearful. However, if I lifted my gaze and looked around me, I could walk faster, with greater confidence.

The Lord showed me that this is what we’re like with Him. As we focus our eyes on the problems and obstacles in our lives they become bigger and bigger and begin to fill our view. As they become bigger we become more fearful, and we spend time focussing on them instead of God. And as the problem grows so our view of God is blocked out. However, if we lift our eyes, as I did a few times when walking, and focus on God instead of the problem, then our view of Him becomes bigger. We are re-establishing a rightful view of our awesome God. The obstacle becomes smaller and smaller as we see it in relation to Him, and the problem takes its rightful place in comparison to Him. Now we can move forward with confidence knowing that He’s in charge, with the understanding that He’s way bigger than any obstacle we might be facing.

Let’s therefore choose to keep our eyes fixed on our all powerful, loving and gracious God and not allow the problems and obstacles we face to dominate our attention. No problem is too difficult for our God; nothing is impossible with Him.

Prayer: Lord I thank You that You are an awesome God. You know all things and hold all things. Just as You created the world, You sustain it daily. I choose to keep my eyes fixed on You today and ask You to take care of the problems I face. I ask You to remove the mountains and obstacles in my life as I keep my attention on You. Amen.

Anne Lawrence joined the team at Ellel Grange in 2010 and is the Deputy Centre Director. She is married to Paul, Centre Director. Anne previously worked in education. Her last post was CEO of a College in Dublin. She has written courses, syllabi and a book for the English for Work series published by Longman. She has a heart for the broken and a passion to see people set free and released into more of what the Lord has for them. She loves to teach, listen, worship and create things.


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