Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
God has revealed many times in my life where past hurts have caused behaviours and patterns, which have been detrimental to me. He has put on my heart to draw close to Him and bring others to Him also. .... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Miracles of Jesus

by Angela Weir

17 September 2010

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And taking the five loaves and two fish, He looked up to heaven and, praising God, gave thanks and broke the loaves and kept on giving them to the disciples to set before the people; and He also divided the two fish among them all. And they all ate and were satisfied.
Mark 6: 41-42 , AMP

We become so familiar with these amazing Bible stories of the miracles of Jesus that we tend just to accept them, but today I would like you to reconsider and try to think how it might have been had you been there – perhaps as one of the disciples.

A little boy hands you his lunch and you take it to Jesus, wondering what possible help it could be in feeding all those thousands of people. Jesus tells them all to sit down, He prays to His Father, thanks Him for His provision and then begins to hand out the bread and fish to you and the other eleven disciples, telling you to take it to feed the people.

What is going on in your mind? Has Jesus lost His? Are the people going to get angry if they don’t get fed? But then, as you go in obedience to Jesus and begin handing out the small amounts in your hands, you begin to discover that, astonishingly, you have enough – first for this group and then as you go to the next, you still have enough!

It must have been a similar situation at the wedding feast at Cana (John 3) when Jesus told the servants to fill the jars for cleansing with water and take them to their master. What were the servants thinking? This was the first miracle that Jesus performed so the servants had no idea of what might happen and must have wondered if they would get a sound beating for trying to trick their master. But they still went in faith.

It seems that whilst God is perfectly capable of performing miracles on His own – and sometimes does – He often needs our help and co-operation and it is only when we step out in faith to obey His command that the miracle occurs. It would have been easy for Jesus to do the act of multiplication right in front of the crowd and then told the disciples to take what they needed from the heap, but they had to choose to obey Jesus and walk in faith.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, please forgive me that so often I miss out on the “miracle of faith” because I don’t choose to obey Your still, small voice. Please give me courage to take the first step so that You can achieve all that You want to in my life and in the life of others around me. Thank You, loving Father, Amen.

Angela Weir has been associated with Ellel Ministries from the very beginning, first as an associate member of the ministry team and later as an associate teacher. She trained as an actress before moving to Cumbria, where she taught drama in a girls’ school. She now teaches and ministers at various Ellel Centres.


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