Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
God has revealed many times in my life where past hurts have caused behaviours and patterns, which have been detrimental to me. He has put on my heart to draw close to Him and bring others to Him also. .... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Make His Name Known

by Lynda Scott

In that day you will say: “Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted.”
Isaiah 12:4, NIV

When we have been through significant hardships, losses or grief we can tend to look inward too much. We nurse our wounds and back off from life, because we’re afraid of either getting hurt again, or taking another loss. Without necessarily meaning to, we can also draw back from God, instead of drawing to Him and allowing Him to help us through or hardship or grief.

If we want to focus our eyes off our own situation it’s best to focus on something greater, someone greater - Jesus. I’ve some questions from my own daily devotional which I’ve been asking myself this week, and I wanted to share them with you. Take some time and think about how you could respond.

• What pleases the Lord?
• What does the Lord require?
• How can I show Him love?
• What delights His heart?
• In what ways can I bless the Lord?
• How can I make His name known to those around me?

These are great questions to think about, or maybe discuss with other Christians. The question that really grabbed me was the challenge of how I could make Jesus’ name known to those around me. Even in the midst of struggle we’re called, not to focus on ourselves, but to proclaim Jesus’ name, and make known among the nations what He’s done. Maybe that could involve you sharing your story of how Jesus has changed your life with a family member, friend or even a stranger. Whatever opportunities the Lord puts before us let’s embrace them, and in so doing show Jesus how much we love Him. Let’s make His name known!

Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank You for being with me throughout all my hardships, but forgive me for where I’ve in any way drawn back from You. Draw me near again and help my focus to be on You, not on me. Show me how I can please and bless You, how I can show You my love, and show me what delights You. But, most of all, show me how I can make Your name more known. You alone are most worthy of our praise, now and forever, Amen.

Lynda Scott was first introduced to Ellel Ministries at a conference led by Peter and Fiona Horrobin in 1996 when she was miraculously healed following a devastating accident. Lynda has continued her association with Ellel Ministries over the years and has recently written her story “Lynda: From Accident & Trauma to Healing & Wholeness.” She lives in Australia with her husband Leigh and 3 children, who are all at school. She works in a local health clinic, as well as helping her husband with the administration of their beef cattle farm.


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